Mar 10, 2025  
DMACC Policies and Procedures 
DMACC Policies and Procedures
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ES4890 - Facility Use - Table Space for Solicitation and Recruitment of Students, Faculty and Staff




Master List Section: Student Services

  1. Institutional Regulations

    The purpose of this procedure is to provide direction and clarification for organizations, associations and individuals of the community who wish to use table space at indoor areas on each DMACC campus as identified by this procedure, so that these persons and entities do not infringe upon nor interfere with the operation and interests of the College or the rights of others. This is a companion procedure to ES4891 and ES4860.
  2. Procedure
    1. Recruiters/organization representatives must contact the Student Activities Office on the Ankeny Campus, or the Provost’s Office (or Provost’s designee) on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban, and West Campuses at least three (3) college business days prior to the requested activity. Permission will be granted on a space available basis. During the activity, a copy of the written permission notice must be in the possession of the recruiter/ organization representative.
    2. Student organizations must contact the Student Activities Office on the Ankeny Campus or the Provosts’ Office (or the Provost’s designee) on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban, and West Campuses at least three (3) college business days prior to the requested activity. Permission will be granted on a space available basis.
    3. Individual students must contact the Student Activities Office on the Ankeny Campus or the Provosts’ Office (or the Provost’s designee) on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban, and West Campuses at least one (1) college business day prior to the requested activity. However, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate same day requests if space is available. Permission will be granted on a space available basis.
    4. College officials will let the requestor know whether or not the request can be approved within one business day of receipt of the request, or as soon as possible prior to the requested activity in the case of requests by individual students.
      1. Definitions
        1. Recruiter/organization representative is any individual who works for a business, college/university, not-for-profit organization, or a branch of the military.
        2. Student organization is any DMACC Student Organization that has met all of the requirements to be a recognized organization. (ES4810 - Club Approval Process )
        3. A student is an individual who is registered and attending credit classes during the semester the individual is asking for table space.
      2. The designated areas for each campus are:
        1. Ankeny - Lobby, Building 5
        2. Boone - Courter Center
        3. Carroll - Lounge
        4. Newton - Lobby
        5. Urban - Student Lounge, Building 1
        6. West - Ellipse

          The individual requesting the table or representing an outside organization or DMACC student organization requesting the table must remain in the area designated on the written approval.
      3. All persons and entities approved to use College facilities are also subject to DMACC Board Policies 2011 and 2014, as well as DMACC Business Office Procedure 5012.
      4. Tables and chairs will be set up only in the approved area designated on the form. Persons and entities approved to use the area must bring their own signs and materials. Free gifts (other than food and drink) may be given away. No items can be sold nor donations be solicited; however, student organizations may conduct fundraisers to benefit their organizations.
      5. Persons and entities approved to use the area may not approach students nor may they pressure or force them to take literature, follow students to classes or elsewhere on campus, or obstruct the flow of foot traffic.
      6. Persons and entities approved to use the area are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner toward all students, college personnel, and college visitors, and to follow a code of conduct which prohibits the following:
        1. Abuse or any threat of force or violence directed toward any individual while on College property;
        2. Unauthorized entry to or use of College facilities, supplies or equipment;
        3. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration or authorized College activities;
        4. Being in a classroom unless specifically invited by an instructor.
        5. Violation of College rules and regulations including those concerning the use of college facilities, the College Tobacco Free Policy, or any other College procedure;
        6. Violation of any state of federal law.
        7. Disorderly conduct or expression which interferes with the College’s primary educational responsibility; and
        8. Failure to comply with the directions of any College official or campus safety officers who are acting in performance of their duties.
      7. Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy could result in being denied access to Des Moines Area Community College facilities and other disciplinary or legal action. (Also see DMACC Board Policy 2014 concerning the removal of visitors.)
      8. The College reserves the right to make modifications to the agreement as to when, where and how persons and entities may be on campus in order to address unanticipated conditions of the College (for example: inclement weather, facility remodeling). Further, the College reserves the right to change its policy on recruitment and solicitation.
  3. Exceptions
    1. Requests that vary from the procedures set forth herein may be approved on a case-by-case basis based on the needs of the College.
      1. There are times when it is appropriate for persons or entities to be on campus in an area other than what is listed in the designated areas identified above. The following are those recognized exceptions:
        1. College sponsored fairs (Example: Transfer, Career, Health);
        2. Business representatives being placed in the Career Planning Center;
        3. Contracted services;
        4. Accreditation visits;
        5. Special invitation extended or approved by an Academic Dean, Campus Provost, member of College Administration, or event supervisor.

Cross Reference:
SA 513 - Student Government  

SA 514 - Student Activities  

Adopted: January 1, 2009
Reviewed: 9/22/22

January 1, 2020

May 11, 2022 - Cross referenced to Policy SA513.

May 16, 2022 - Cross referenced to Policy SA514.

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