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DMACC Policies and Procedures 
DMACC Policies and Procedures
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BS5301 - Purchase Requisitions




Master List Section: Business Service

  1. Institutional Regulations
    1. Procurement of goods and services shall be the sole responsibility of the Purchasing Department.
    2. Requisitions shall be submitted by the College employees after establishing needs, specifications, and after receiving proper budget approvals. The requisition is not an order for the vendor, rather it gives the Purchasing Department the authority to enter into a contract with a vendor.
  2. Procedure
    1. Purchasing has the sole authority to issue and change Purchase Orders. All follow up and changes will be handled by the Purchasing department. Unless excepted by the Director of Purchasing, purchases made by DMACC personnel without a purchase order are not a valid claim against the college until validated by a confirming Purchase Order. Any individual making such a purchase may be held personally liable.
    2. Data Entry
      1. Those employees designated by the Dean/Director as a requester may enter requisitions into the system.
      2. Requisitions should give full descriptions for goods or services to be purchased. It should also give a list of potential vendors when appropriate.
      3. The Purchasing Department shall have the final authority to determine the vendor as established by normal bidding procedures.
    3. Approvals for Each Requisition
      1. Requisitions will be routed electronically through the proper queue for approval before they arrive at Purchasing. There are three levels of approval possible in each queue A requester can not also be an approver.
        1. Purchases from $0-$2,500 for first line supervisors or chairpersons. The Deans or Directors can designate which person is to have this approval level.
        2. Purchases from $2,500-$10,000, designated for Deans or Directors and
        3. over $10,000 reserved for a Vice President.
      2. Recommenders may approve requisitions for purchase from only their budgets. This approval is not final and only informs the Approver that the Recommender knows of the purchase.
    4. If a purchase requires the use of competitive bid, the purchase requisition must first be completed. Purchasing in accordance with Procedure BS5300  will complete bidding.
    5. Exempt Transactions From Use of Purchase Orders
      1. Purchases made for companies under the New Jobs Training Projects.
      2. All payments for services provided within the College (duplicating, printing, and catering) are to be made by internal transfers.
      3. Student organizations and the Alumni Association included in the Agency Fund Fund 4.
    6. Sole Source/No Substitution Documents may be used, if the requester has justification for requiring a particular brand name of product be used or that the items be purchased from a particular vendor without competitive bids. Purchasing has the responsibility to verify the information contained within the document and after consultation with the issuer, suggest alternative products or vendors.
    7. Encumbrances - All items sent through on a requisition will be automatically encumbered. Requisitions with insufficient funds will be disapproved by the Controller and sent back to the originator.
    8. Computer hardware or software items must be submitted first to Systems Integration on a Hardware/Software Request Form. This department will enter the required requisition.

Adopted: July 1, 2000

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