BS5300 - General Bidding Business Service: Purchasing
Master List Section: Business Services Procedures
I.Institutional Regulations
A. Competitive bids shall be solicited in connection with all purchases and in other instances where price comparison may be advantageous. Contracts shall be awarded without favoritism or prejudice to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications and other stipulated bidding conditions. The College reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
B. It is the policy of the College to purchase goods or services first, from a locally owned business located within the merged area, and second, from a locally owned business located within the State of Iowa. Nothing in this procedure shall be construed to prevent the giving of a preference to businesses owned or operated by women or individuals with a minority status, as may be provided in any provision of law.
II. Procedure
A. Limitations
1. Purchase requisitions under $10,000: Purchases may be made at the discretion of the purchasing agent or designee without formal bidding. Quotes shall be obtained when practical and as time permits to ensure economical purchases. Such quotes shall be sent to Purchasing.
a. If cost exceeds $5,000 per unit, the purchasing agent or designee shall obtain a minimum of 3 written quotes based on identical specifications. Equipment purchases over $5,000 per unit shall be in accordance with BS5610 Capital Purchases and Accounting procedure. Fax or e-mail quotations shall be accepted.
2. Purchases between $10,000 and $250,000: All purchases in excess of $10,000 but less than $250,000, shall require a minimum of three formal written quotations. Fax or e-mail quotations shall be accepted.
a. Services not defined as Professional Services in Iowa Administrative Code or Board Policy 705 and over $10,000 shall require three quotes.
3. Purchases $250,000 and above: When a purchase is anticipated to be over $250,000, a sealed bid shall be required. The Purchasing Department shall solicit bids in a newspaper of general circulation within the College district. The notice shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks, the first of which shall be at least 15 calendar days prior to the date when bids are due. In addition, the Purchasing Department shall be responsible for contacting at least four qualified vendors to solicit bids. The bid opening shall be open to the public at a time and place specified in the notice. The head of the Purchasing Department and the Controller or designee shall be present at the bid opening.
B. All purchase orders over $25,000 shall require authorization by the appropriate Vice President or President.
C. To avoid any appearance of conflict of interest, purchases shall not be made from any business which is wholly- or partially- owned by an employee of DMACC. This does not apply to contracts for the purchase of goods and services if the benefit to the College does not exceed $2,500 in a fiscal year or contracts made by competitive bid in writing, publicly invited, and opened. Minor stock ownership in a national firm shall not be a basis for exclusion.
D. Each fiscal year the College shall have a goal to purchase from Targeted Small Businesses. A file shall be maintained of all certified Targeted Small Businesses in Purchasing, and they shall monitor progress towards the goal.
E. Suspended contractors or prospective contractors will be removed from the solicitation bid list and any bids/proposals submitted will not be considered for the suspension period. Debarred contractors will be barred from submitting bids/proposals.
F. Exceptions to bidding by Purchasing.
1. Items on State government, Iowa Biotech Association, Regent, or E and I contracts, or other widely distributed and competitive contracts may be purchased at the contract price without bidding.
2. Purchases for resale in Instructional related sales and services shall be the responsibility of the supervisor in each respective area. Purchasing for these areas must also follow good business practices to ensure open competition among vendors and economical purchasing.
G. Facilities Planning and Management Construction Bidding
1. Facilities Planning and Management projects below $81,000 do not require bids if they are of such a nature- that preparation of plans and specifications, and time consumed in obtaining three bids creates unwarranted additional cost or delays of the project.
2. Competitive quotations shall be required for a public improvement having an estimated total cost that exceeds the applicable threshold amount provided of $81,000 but is less than the competitive bid threshold of $196,000. A good faith effort to obtain at least two quotes is required.
3. If the estimated total cost of a construction project exceeds the competitive bid threshold listed in the Code of Iowa, DMACC shall advertise for sealed bids for the proposed public improvement by posting a notice to bidders not less than thirteen and not more than forty-five days before the date for filing bids in a relevant contractor plan room service with statewide circulation, in a relevant construction lead generating service with statewide circulation, and on an internet site sponsored by DMACC or a statewide association that represents DMACC. If circumstances beyond the control of DMACC cause a scheduled bid letting to be postponed and there are no changes to the project’s contract documents, a notice to bidders of the revised date shall be posted not less than four and not more than forty-five days before the revised date for filing bids in a relevant contractor plan room service with statewide circulation, in a relevant construction lead generating service with statewide circulation, and on an internet site sponsored by DMACC or a statewide association that represents DMACC
4. Emergencies in Facilities Planning and Management are where repairs are critical to prevent significant discomfort, disruption, or danger to students or staff, a safety hazard, or further damage. Emergencies require immediate action to prevent or mitigate risk to the College.
5. Plant fund bidding shall be in accordance with Procedure BS5412 and Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 26.
Relevant Policy:
Adopted: January 1, 2007 Revised: September 15, 2021
January 9, 2023
July 17, 2024
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