Mar 12, 2025
FIR 199 - Firefighter I Credits: 8 Lecture Hours: 5 Lab Hours: 6 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech
This course meets or exceeds the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Professional Qualifications Standard 1001 for Fire Fighter I certification. By completing all of the lessons the student should be prepared for the Fire Fighter I certification process. Prerequisite: FIR 101 , FIR 127 , FIR 124 , FIR 129 and EMS 214 . All of these courses can also be waived as prerequisites by Instructor Approval Competencies
- Examine the Fire Service and Firefighter Safety
- Describe how fire departments are organized
- Describe the various specializations within the fire service
- Describe fire department SOPs, rules, and regulations that affect a Fire Fighter I
- Explain ways that fire departments may interact with other organizations and agencies
- Explain the roles and duties of a Fire Fighter I
- Describe fire and life safety initiatives aimed at reducing firefighter illnesses, injuries, and fatalities
- Describe the aspects of NFPA 1500 related to firefighter safety and health
- Describe fire department programs intended to reduce firefighter illnesses, injuries, and fatalities
- Summarize general guidelines for operating safely at structural fire scenes.
- Summarize safe practices for riding in fire service apparatus and general guidelines for operating safely at highway/roadway incidents
- Explain the use of emergency scene lighting and equipment
- Explain the importance of personnel accountability systems
- Incorporate Communication
- Explain the procedures for receiving nonemergency calls
- Describe the types of communications systems and equipment used to receive and process emergency calls
- Demonstrate the procedures for receiving and dispatching emergency calls
- Describe radio equipment and procedures used for internal fire department communications
- Analyze Building Construction
- Differentiate among types of building construction
- Describe the construction of floors, ceilings, and walls
- Explain how basements and stairs may impact firefighting operations
- Compare the construction of different roof types
- Describe the construction and operation methods of different types of doors
- Describe the construction and operation methods of different types of windows
- Assess Fire Dynamics
- Explain the basic principles of fire science
- Describe how thermal energy impacts fire behavior
- Explain the function of fuel within the combustion process
- Explain the function of oxygen within the combustion process
- Explain the self-sustained chemical reaction involved in flaming combustion
- Differentiate among the stages of fire development
- Explain how firefighting operations can influence fire behavior in a structure
- Describe how building construction and layout affects fire development
- Utilize Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
- Describe the various types and uses of personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by firefighters
- Describe the inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of PPE
- Describe conditions that require the use of respiratory protection equipment
- Identify self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) components.
- Describe SCBA limitations
- Demonstrate the procedures for donning and doffing SCBA
- Demonstrate the process of inspecting and cleaning SCBA
- Demonstrate methods of refilling, replacing, and storing SCBA cylinders
- Demonstrate safety considerations for working in and exiting a hazardous atmosphere while wearing SCBA
- Differentiate Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Distinguish among the five classifications of portable fire extinguishers
- Distinguish among the various types of portable fire extinguishers
- Demonstrate the process of selecting and using a portable fire extinguisher
- Analyze Ropes and Knots
- Differentiate between life safety rope and utility rope
- Describe the various materials and methods used to construct ropes
- Demonstrate the procedures for inspecting, cleaning, and maintaining ropes
- Demonstrate how webbing is used, inspected, maintained, and stored
- Identify types of knots
- Demonstrate the procedure for hoisting various tools and equipment
- Demonstrate how ropes and knots are used during rescues and at other emergencies
- Distinguish Ground Ladders
- Identify the parts of a ladder
- Differentiate among types of ladders
- Demonstrate the process of cleaning, inspecting, and maintaining a ladder
- Demonstrate safe practices for using ladders
- Perform the process of carrying a ladder
- Demonstrate the proper procedure for placing a ground ladder
- Demonstrate ways to secure a ground ladder
- Demonstrate methods for raising and lowering a ladder
- Perform how to safely work from a ladder
- Demonstrate methods to assist a victim down a ladder
- Classify Forcible Entry
- Describe the basic principles of forcible entry
- Describe forcible entry tools
- Explain considerations for forcible entry tool safety
- Explain how to carry forcible entry tools
- Demonstrate how to clean and maintain forcible entry tools
- Demonstrate methods of forcing entry through doors
- Describe methods for forcing entry through windows
- Perform methods for breaching walls
- Examine Structural Search and Rescue
- Explain best practices to ensure firefighter survival during interior operations
- Describe air-monitoring operations
- Demonstrate structural search and rescue operations
- Demonstrate victim removal methods
- Describe MAYDAY protocols
- Demonstrate emergency evacuation methods
- Describe rapid intervention crew equipment and duties
- Incorporate Tactical Ventilation
- Explain why tactical ventilation is performed at a structure fire
- Describe safety considerations related to tactical ventilation
- Describe ventilation tools and equipment
- Perform horizontal ventilation
- Perform vertical ventilation
- Describe considerations related to the ventilation of basements and other special compartments
- Characterize Fire Hose
- Describe characteristics of fire hose
- Demonstrate the inspection, care, and maintenance of fire hose
- Demonstrate methods of rolling hose
- Demonstrate different types of hose loads
- Analyze Hose Operations and Hose Streams
- Describe methods of supplying water for firefighting operations
- Describe methods used to deploy fire hose
- Describe methods of advancing hoselines
- Differentiate among types of hose streams and nozzles
- Demonstrate how to operate different types of hoselines, nozzles, and master stream devices
- Illustrate Fire Suppression
- Explain the science behind fire suppression
- Describe methods for suppressing structural fires
- Explain the role of firefighters with regards to supporting fire protection systems during fire suppression
- Explain the duties of firefighters related to building utilities
- Demonstrate the process of attacking a vehicle fire
- Demonstrate the process of attacking fires in exterior Class A materials
- Demonstrate ground cover fire attack
- Examine Overhaul, Property Conservation and Scene Preservation
- Describe overhaul
- Explain how to conserve property at a fire scene
- Demonstrate the duties that firefighters must perform to protect and preserve a fire scene
- Analyze the Incident
- Explain the APIE process at hazardous materials incidents
- Define a hazardous materials incident
- List ways that hazardous materials harm people
- Identify states of matter as they relate to hazardous materials
- Explain physical properties that aid in identifying potential hazards and predicting behavior of hazardous materials
- Explain chemical properties that aid in identifying potential hazards and predicting behavior of hazardous materials
- Explain the role of the General Hazardous Materials Behavior Model in predicting the behavior of containers
- Identify the seven clues to the presence of hazardous materials and written resources used to identify hazardous materials and their hazards
- Explain how pre-incident plans, occupancy types, and locations may indicate the presence of hazardous materials
- Describe general container types and their associated behaviors and hazards
- Describe ways that transportation placards, labels, and markings indicate the presence and hazards of hazardous materials
- Justify Action Options and Response Objectives
- Explain predetermined procedures and notification procedures
- Explain the role of first responders in initiating protective actions
- Describe the process of size-up and risk assessment
- Differentiate among hazardous materials incident levels
- Explain the three modes of operation at hazardous materials incidents
- Explain the process of planning the initial response at hazardous materials incidents
- Explain ways of implementing response objectives and action options
- Differentiate among types of terrorist attacks and their associated hazards
- Identify hazards at illicit laboratories
- Describe illegal hazardous materials dumps
- Describe hazardous materials response during and after natural disasters
- Identify processes for evaluating progress at a hazardous materials incident
- Judge Personal Protective Equipment, Product Control, and Decontamination
- Describe respiratory protection used at hazardous materials incidents
- Describe types of protective clothing worn at hazardous materials incidents
- Describe personal protective equipment ensembles used during hazardous materials incidents
- Explain PPE-related stresses
- Demonstrate procedures for safely using PPE
- Demonstrate procedures for inspection, storage, testing, maintenance, and documentation of PPE
- Demonstrate methods of spill control
- Demonstrate methods of leak control
- Differentiate between gross decontamination and emergency decontamination
Competencies Revised Date: AY2022
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