Mar 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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FIR 124 - Building Construction

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open

This course provides the components of building construction related to firefighter and life safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations and operating at emergencies.
Prerequisite: FIR 101  or Instructor Approval

  1. Examine building construction as it relates to firefighter safety, building codes, fire prevention, code inspection, firefighting strategy and tactics

    1. Describe the significance of methods and materials historically used in building construction, as well as importance of the age of the building

    2. Discuss building variables as they relate to the work of firefighters

    3. Identify the ways roofs can affect structural firefighting

    4. Analyze usual code requirements for buildings with limited access

    5. Discuss the building code requirements to minimize the effect of the forces of nature on building stability

  2. Classify major types of building construction in accordance with local/model building codes

    1. Discuss the basic building classifications as they relate to fire resistance

    2. Examine wood construction and properties related to wood construction

    3. Describe the properties of masonry products used in building materials

    4. Identify properties of steel and iron used in building construction

    5. Discuss the production, and methods used in concrete construction

  3. Analyze the hazards and tactical considerations associated with the various types of building construction

    1. Describe the impact of conditions found at construction sites on firefighting tactics

    2. Discuss the methods of providing fire protection at construction sites

    3. Identify and discuss hazards associated with building remodeling and renovation as they impact firefighting

    4. Describe the hazards presented by buildings being demolished as they relate to firefighting tactics

    5. Describe the characteristics of high-rise buildings and their impact on firefighting tactics

  4. Explain the different loads and stresses that are placed on a building and their interrelationships

    1. Explain the various loads exerted on a building resulting from environmental sources

    2. Distinguish between the classifications of loads based on origin and movement

    3. Discuss the internal forces resulting from the loads and forces applied to a structural member

  5. Correlate each principle structural component in typical building design

    1. Describe basic structural components

    2. Describe the basic structural systems

    3. Discuss the various types of stairs, elevators, and structural requirements related to each

    4. Examine the functions and components of HVAC systems and how they impact firefighting

    5. Describe systems used to support roofs

  6. Differentiate between fire resistance, flame spread, and describe the testing procedures used to establish ratings for each

    1. Define fire resistance

    2. Discuss methods of determining fire resistance and the limitations of each method

    3. Identify fire testing organizations and discuss the significance of fire test results

    4. Discuss factors affecting combustibility of various interior finishes and their effect on fire behavior

  7. Classify occupancy designations of the building code

    1. Examine International Building Code Classifications

    2. List NFPA 500 classifications and NFPA Life Safety Code and the use of 12 major occupancies

    3. Discuss mixed occupancies

    4. Analyze the hazards of occupancy change

  8. Identify the indicators of potential structural failure as they relate to firefighter safety

    1. Discuss building failure, structural integrity, building systems, and design deficiencies as building design considerations

    2. Describe the forces of nature that can result in partial or total building collapse

    3. Look at scenarios that resulted in human-caused building collapse

  9. Identify the role of GIS as it relates to building construction

Competencies Revised Date: AY2022

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