Mar 14, 2025
ELT 644 - Process Control Instr Lab Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This lab includes experiments on transducers used in process control as well as experiments on proportional, integral and derivative control. Prerequisite: ELT 303 , ELT 324 and ELT 325 or ELT 383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 642 Competencies
- Investigate industrial Interfacing Devices used in process controls
- Analyze Inverting Operational Amplifiers
- Construct Summing Operational Amplifier circuits
- Experiment with Non-Inverting Operational Amplifiers
- Construct Integrator and differentiator Operational Amplifier circuits
- Outline PhotoDiodes, PhotoSCR and PhotoTRIAC characteristics
- Construct Digital to Analog Converters
- Construct Analog to Digital Converters
- Evaluate Thyristors in control circuits
- Experiment with Silicon Controlled Rectifiers
- Examine control circuits utilizing TRIACs
- Analyze control circuits with IGBTs
- Examine Feedback Controller Operations
- Build control circuits using feedback
- Experiment with Proportional Control
- Analyze Controller Amplification
- Analyze Steady State Error
- Build Circuits with DC motor Controls
- Measure DC motor characteristics
- Solve Work Calculations involving motors
- Solve Power Calculations involving motors
- Solve Horsepower Calculations involving motors
- Analyze various AC MOTORS and Drive systems
- Build Three Phase, Synchronous and Stepper Motor Control Circuits
- Measure motor characteristics
- Examine Pressure Systems and Controls
- Experiment with Pressure measurement instrumentation
- Outline pressure measurement devices
- Investigate Temperature Control Systems
- Identify Temperature Scales
- Experiment with Thermal Control Systems
- Construct a control circuit using Thermocouples
- Construct a control circuit using Resistance Temperature Detectors
- Summarize Radiation Thermometry techniques
- Evaluate Flow Control systems
- Contrast O.D. , I.D. and Trade size piping
- Build a control system using a Flowmeter
- Solve Reynolds number Calculations
- Solve Pump calculations
- Describe pump cavitation and how to properly size pumps to prevent it.
- Evaluate Level Control Systems
- Identify Point level Measurement systems
- Construct a Continuous level measurement
- Survey Conductivity Probes systems
- Survey Capacitance Probes
- Compare Analytical Instrumentation
- Identify pH measurement techniques
- Illustrate a pH process control system
- Examine Conductivity measurement instrumentation
- Evaluate Common Industrial Symbologies (P&ID)
- Identify Tag Numbers
- Identify Line Numbers
- Interpret Valve and Actuator Symbols
- Interpret Information Blocks
- Construct Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programs using an industrial standard G-code system
- Discuss elements of Motion Control Systems
- Identify common G and M Code
- Demonstrate G-code programs on a CNC system
- Outline Servo repair and calibration on CNC systems
Competencies Revised Date: 2020
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