Mar 11, 2025
ELT 324 - Digital Electronics Lab Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Laboratory Evaluation of small-scale integrated circuits and medium scale integrated circuits. In addition to basic AND/OR gates, it includes decoders, encoders, counters, multiplexers, and microprocessors. Corequisite: ELT 325 Competencies
- Evaluate the basic usage of the test equipment for digital circuits
- Use digital logic probes, pulsers, and oscilloscope.
- Hookup circuits and test equipment.
- Compare the applications of various test equipment
- Analyze the operation of basic logic gates
- Construct various logic gate circuits
- Troubleshoot various logic gate circuits.
- Demonstrate the characteristics of various logic gate circuits.
- Summarize combinational logic circuits.
- Construct combinational logic circuits.
- Troubleshoot combinational logic circuits.
- Evaluate flip-flop and latch circuits.
- Construct flip-flop and latch circuits.
- Troubleshoot flip-flop and latch circuits.
- Design and build counters using flip-flops.
- Contrast various LSI digital circuits.
- Construct encoder, decoder, counter, and multiplexer circuits using LSI circuits.
- Troubleshoot encoder, decoder, counter, and multiplexer circuits.
- Design complex circuits involving encoder, decoder, counter, and multiplexer circuits.
- Evaluate the I/O characteristics of various digital logic families.
- Test the logic 0 and logic 1 levels of various digital logic families.
- Test the fanout of various digital logic families.
- Compare active-high, active-low, and tri-state inputs and outputs of various digital logic families.
- Analyze interfacing devices
- Interface analog to digital devices.
- Construct circuits with digital to analog devices.
- Construct circuits with other periphal devices.
- Compare memory devices
- Test the operation of various memory devices.
- Interface memory devices
- Examine microprocessors
- Identify the sections within a microprocessor.
- Describe the operation of each section.
- Demonstrate the operation of an assembly language program.
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