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DMACC Policies and Procedures 
DMACC Policies and Procedures
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ES4750 - Course Reserve Procedure




Master List Section: Student Services

  1. Institutional Regulations

    The circulation of certain heavily used materials may be restricted by placement on reserve, in order to access. These procedures are based upon fair use provisions of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. All materials are acquired with the understanding that there will be multiple uses of a limited number of copies. This document is meant to help DMACC faculty, staff and students in conforming to fair use provisions of the copyright law as well as provide a framework for processing reserve materials.

    Items owned by faculty or the DMACC Libraries may be placed on Course Reserve. DMACC Libraries reserve the right to refuse to make available any material in known or suspected violation of U.S. copyright law. In addition, these specific types of works are not allowed on reserve:
    • consumables (e.g. commercial workbooks, exercises, standardized test and test booklets, answer sheets, etc.)
    • materials borrowed from a non-DMACC library (e.g. Interlibrary Loan)

Course Reserve materials will not be used as a substitute for course packs or required textbooks students are expected to purchase. Instructors wishing to create course packs should work with the DMACC Bookstore.

  1. Procedure

    The total amount of material placed on Course Reserve for a class shall be limited to a small portion of the required materials used for the course. Materials are only available to DMACC students and faculty and all are expected to adhere to these guidelines. For additional information on copyright, please see DMACC Copyright Policy. Course Reserve is managed on a semester by semester basis. All items will be removed from Course Reserve at the end of each semester. Instructors must submit a Course Reserve form each semester reserve items are needed.
    1. Physical Reserve
      The following items (print copies) may be placed in the campus library for students to borrow. All items, including personal items, will be labeled and barcoded for use with the library system. The Libraries cannot assume liability for personal copies which are stolen or damaged.
      1. Complete books, owned by the Libraries or instructors’ personal copy.
      2. Videos owned by the Libraries or instructors’ personal copy of a commercial item. For information on off-air recording, please see DMACC’s copyright site on videos programs.
      3. Faculty generated materials: lecture notes, practice tests, etc.
      4. If neither the Libraries nor the instructor own a particular title or edition of an item needed for Course Reserve, instructors may request the Library purchase the item. Please contact your campus librarian for more information.
    2. Electronic Reserve
      The following items may be placed on eReserve, allowing online access to students 24/7.
      1. Instructor generated notes, exams, problem sets, etc. to which you own the copyright (please submit in PDF format).
      2. Item in the public domain. For example: works published before 1923 and most government documents. Check DMACC’s copyright site for more information about the public domain.
      3. Journal and Newspaper articles. One time use of an article from any single issue of a journal may be placed on eReserve for an individual course in a given semester. Articles may be scanned and made available online.

        Library-owned online periodicals are encouraged because they are easy to access and usually do not require copyright clearance. If the Library has a current license for access to digital material, a link to the licensed version of the material will be used, thus providing direct access to the article.
      4. Book Chapters. Use this Indiana University/Purdue University Fair Use Checklist as a tool to help you determine if your use of the item for the course is considered fair use. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than 10% of a book with no chapters, or fewer than 10 chapters. For a book with 10 or more chapters consider using 1 chapter only. If you are using pages from several different chapters, look at the average number of pages per chapter in the book and limit your excerpts to no more pages than that average. If you want to use more than 10% or 1 chapter, please contact Rebecca Funke, Director of Library Resources.
      5. Short story, essay, or poem. One use of one short story, essay or poem may be considered fair use.
      6. Chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper may be considered fair use.
      7. Student Work. In agreement with FERPA, student papers or other unpublished works to be placed on eReserve must be accompanied by written permission of the author for each academic term it is used. A sample permission form for student work can be found on the DMACC copyright site.
      8. Anthologies. No part of any anthology may be placed on eReserve. Copyright can be very complex when dealing with an anthology or collection of works.
    3. Copyright Permissions and Fees
      Subsequent or broader use of the guidelines listed above may require permission from the copyright holder. The Library will work with the instructor to evaluate the use of the material under the Fair Use Guidelines and will pursue copyright permissions as needed. The Library will seek such permission for reserve purposes when the following requests are made:
      1. items will be used repeatedly by the same instructor for the same or similar course (excluding books or videos on physical reserve);
      2. multiple articles from a single journal, magazine, or newspaper issue;
      3. multiple chapters from a single book or a single chapter that constitutes a significant portion of a book;
      4. multiple charts, graphs, diagrams, drawing, cartoons, or pictures from a book or periodical or newspaper.

        DMACC Libraries will pay reasonable permission fees and post appropriate copyright notices. The Libraries reserve the right to limit items placed on Course Reserve based on copyright constraints, royalty fees, etc.

        DMACC Libraries will make materials available to students while waiting for copyright permission. If permission is denied, the instructor will be notified and materials removed from Course Reserve within 10 days of notification. Should the copyright holder not respond to repeated attempts for permission, the DMACC Libraries will consider this a good-faith effort and use of the material will continue. The DMACC Libraries will resubmit a permission request with each subsequent use of the material.

        A complete citation for each individual item you wish to place on reserve is required. Accurate citations are necessary in documenting and obtaining copyright permissions.
    4. Timing
      Course Reserve is handled on a semester by semester basis. Items on Course Reserve do not automatically carry over semester to semester. Whether carry-over or new, all course reserves require the instructor to submit a Course Reserve Form each semester. Contact the campus library for more information.

      The Libraries will gladly consider purchasing needed copies if not currently owned by DMACC Libraries. Please allow 3 weeks for new purchases to arrive and be available.

      Processing materials for student access may take up to 5 working days. Instructors are encouraged to submit requests early. Library staff will work diligently to process items as quickly as possible.

      Materials may be removed from Course Reserve at the end of each academic term. If the campus library has not received a new request to carry-over reserve items for the next term, materials may be returned to the instructor and/or the library collection.

Adopted: August 1, 2003
April 16, 2019

Approved for Catalog: Executive Vice President, College Operations

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