Dec 21, 2024
ES4215 - Proctoring Services for Non-DMACC Exams Procedure
Master List Section: Student Services
- Institutional Regulations
This procedure outlines the general test proctoring procedures for DMACC Testing Centers.
- Definitions
- Proctored Exams. A proctored exam is a test taken under the supervision of approved and certified DMACC staff. The proctor’s function is to ensure procedural integrity and the security of the exam in a supervised environment.
- Non-DMACC Student. A non-DMACC student is anyone who requests a proctored exam that is not currently enrolled in a credit class at DMACC, including any individual without a DMACC ID number.
- High-Stakes Test. A high-stakes test is any test that has major consequences or is the basis of a major decision.
- Non-DMACC Purpose. Non-DMACC purpose is defined as outcomes from exams that will not be used to meet a DMACC requirement or outcomes that will not support the student in some aspect of application/registration at DMACC. This definition includes individuals who have a DMACC Student ID number, but who are taking the Next Generation Accuplacer® and have identified that they are taking it for employment reasons, i.e. the employer is requiring them to take the Next Generation Accuplacer®. The definition also includes individuals who take the Next Generation Accuplacer® to enable registration at another college and/or request the results be sent in a timely manner to another college.
- Proctoring Locations
Security requirements for proctored exams vary depending on the type of exam being requested to be proctored. Therefore, DMACC will utilize the same facility requirements as required for high-stakes exams; this means that not all DMACC locations proctor exams.
Approved DMACC Locations:
- Ames Hunziker Center
- Ankeny
- Boone
- Carroll
- Newton
- Perry VanKirk Career Academy
- Southridge Center
- Urban/Des Moines
- West Des Moines
- Location Availability
- Hours. Hours for each center can be found at: Dmacc Testing Centers
- Periods of Closure. Periods of closure for each center can be found at: http://www.dmacc.edu/testingcenter/Pages/welcome.aspx by clicking the link for a specific testing center.
- Procedures
- Fees
- DMACC Students. All registered DMACC students, regardless of hours or locations, will have free access to the use of proctoring services, for DMACC exams only. DMACC students will be charged fees for non-DMACC exams.
- Non-DMACC Students. All other individuals who are not registered for any DMACC credit classes will be charged a $20 proctoring fee for each exam that is proctored by a DMACC Assessment or Testing Center, plus any additional fees associated with a specific exam.
- Fee Waivers. DMACC has a reciprocity agreement with all Iowa Community Colleges to waive testing fees for students taking credit courses.
- Non-DMACC Purpose. A $20 proctor fee will be charged for any testing situation which is intended for a non-DMACC purpose unless DMACC has a signed agreement on file listing a different fee structure.
- Retesting of Next Generation Accuplacer® for Reasons not required by DMACC. DMACC students or any other individuals repeating Next Generation Accuplacer® for reasons not required by DMACC will be assessed a $20 proctoring fee for each retesting, which includes retesting for reasons of employment, for transfer to another college or for improvement of scores not required by DMACC.
- Retesting Proctor Fee Waivers. The Next Generation Accuplacer® retesting proctor fee will be waived for DMACC students needing to improve or update scores due to a program change, program requirement or to ensure proper placement.
- Proctor Fee Waivers. The Next Generation Accuplacer® proctor fee will be waived for students who update scores after returning to DMACC with college experience older than five years.
- Scheduling of Exams
- While DMACC Testing Centers are generally able to accommodate walk-in appointments, some testing centers may recommend that individuals schedule appointments. Testing Center scheduling policies may differ by location due to varying factors.
- Individuals may be required to make an appointment for proctoring services that require special exams, online exams with access codes, a private room or specific software.
- Individuals are responsible for coordinating make-up testing with their instructor.
- Check-In Procedures
Individuals must arrive at the Testing Center with enough time remaining in order to complete the exam in the allotted time.
- Individuals must show a valid national, state or school-issued photo identification at check-in.
- All personal items other than those needed for the exam must be placed in an area designated by the Testing Center or by the test proctor.
- Only proctors,designated personnel and individuals who are testing are permitted in the testing room.
- Payment of Fees
Testing Center payment policies differ by site. Fees may be paid at the Testing Center or at the Campus Business Office depending on the type of payment and the Testing Center’s ability to accept payment. Fee payment is required prior to testing.
- Exam Procedures
- Individuals will remain in the testing area assigned by the proctor. The proctor may reassign individuals to a different area at their discretion.
- Individuals will complete the exam in one sitting, unless the exam instructions allow time for breaks.
- Individuals taking exams may only use equipment approved for the specific exam.
- Individuals will be monitored by the proctor while testing.
- Individuals taking exams must adhere to DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Student Procedure (ES4670 ) that prohibits cheating. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the use of unauthorized assistance in taking exams. If an individual is suspected of academic misconduct during an exam the exam may be voided. The matter will be referred to the student’s faculty for follow-up by the DMACC Judicial Officer, if needed. When applicable the individual’s home institution will be notified and the agency for which the test is being taken will be notified for further review and action.
- Once Exam is Completed
- Once the exam is completed, individuals will notify the proctor and sign out. The proctor will collect all testing materials, including all scratch paper.
- For schools/individuals requesting returned exams, the requester will need to provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope with appropriate postage.
- Revisions to Procedure
DMACC reserves the right to make revisions to this procedure.
Cross Reference: SA 504 - Credit by Examination
Adopted: March 1, 2012 Revised: November 1, 2016
November 30, 2021 - Changed go.dmacc to www.dmacc
May 10, 2022 - Cross-referenced to SA Policy 504.
January 12, 2023 - Made changes to wording of Accuplacer that were submitted by Sharon Bittner.
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