Mar 10, 2025  
DMACC Policies and Procedures 
DMACC Policies and Procedures
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ES4210 - Challenge Test Administration

Student Services: Student Assessment and Testing



Master List Section: Student Services


  1. Students may, by requesting and receiving approval of the appropriate Academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost challenge a DMACC course for which there is no College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DANTES Standardized Test (DSST) Exam. Credit by departmental examination is a means of being granted alternative credit by satisfactorily demonstrating subject-matter competency through an approved examination developed, administered, and evaluated by college faculty. Before seeking approval to take a departmental examination, a student should be prepared to show evidence that they have attained equivalent knowledge and skills through work experience, training, or other means.
  1. The student will be assessed a $50 administration fee to be paid prior to attempting the departmental exam. Charges are not rescinded, nor is payment refunded, if the student does not successfully challenge the course.
  1. If the student challenges a course, in which they are currently enrolled beyond 100% refund date, they are assessed the $50 administration fee, and tuition is not refunded if they pass the exam.
  2. If the student fails the Challenge Examination while enrolled in the equivalent course, they may remain in the course.
  1. Only officially approved exams can be used to challenge a course. Contact a DMACC Testing Center or Dean/Provost/Associate Provost to review the list of approved courses with Challenge Exams.
  2. A student may only challenge a course once, and may not do so if they have already received a grade in the course at DMACC.
  3. The credit for a successfully challenged course, defined as a grade of “C” or higher on the departmental examination, is recorded on the student’s transcript with a grade of “T” and, therefore, will not be calculated in the student’s G.P.A.
  1.  The credit processing does not occur until the end of the academic term to avoid financial aid disruptions.
  1. Students enrolled in non-credit courses that have conversion agreements with credit courses that have departmental exams may request to take the Challenge Exam at no additional charge. The student is subject to all other Challenge Exam regulations.
  2. Students may attempt a Challenge Examination up until the last date to withdraw from Part of Term 1 to ensure credit is awarded on the final transcript.
  1. Procedures
  1.  The student wanting to take a Departmental Challenge Exam must review the list of approved Departmental Challenge Exams to determine if the course has an approved Challenge Exam and to determine their own eligibility. If eligibility is determined, the student may complete the Challenge Exam Form.  (link needed)
  2. Students must complete Part 2 of the Challenge Exam Form and submit to the appropriate academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost for approval.
  3. The Academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost must determine if there is an appropriate Challenge Exam available for the student to complete the desired course. If so, and the student has not previously completed the Challenge Exam, the Dean may approve (Part 3).
  4. If approved, the Challenge Exam form must go through the Registration office (Part 4) and be assessed the $50 non-refundable administration fee through Student Accounts (Part 5).
  5. Once paid by the student, the form must be returned to the appropriate Academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost (Part 6) who will identify a faculty contact, make arrangements for the exam, and coordinate with the student (should additional proctoring be necessary, the student will bear the cost).
  6. The Faculty Examiner will complete Part 6 of the Challenge Exam Form. The Examiner will deliver the completed Challenge Exam form with a copy of the graded exam to the appropriate Academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost for signature (grading must occur within 10 days of test date).
  7. Once graded, the Academic Dean/Provost/Assistant Provost will notify the student of the outcome in writing.
  8. The completed Challenge Exam Form is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  9. The student will be notified that the Form is complete and that they may use the credits as pre-requisites for appropriate higher-level coursework. Registration may override the prior course requirement until the earned credits have been transcribed.
  1. Appeals Process
  1.  If the student does not pass Departmental Challenge Exam, the student will be notified, in writing, by the program chair within 10 days of the test date.
  2. Once notified, the student can appeal the decision to the Vice President, Academic Affairs.
  3. The appeal must be made in writing and submitted within 10 business days of the denial.

Cross Reference:
SA 504 - Credit by Examination  

Adopted: July 1, 1994
November 1, 2017

May 10, 2022 - Cross-referenced to SA Policy 504.

March 14, 2023 - Minor changes added to include Provosts and Associate Provosts.

October 4, 2023 - Minor changes to wording regarding $50 fee.

Related Form:  

Departmental Challenge Exam Request Form​​

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