Mar 10, 2025  
DMACC Policies and Procedures 
DMACC Policies and Procedures
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ES4110 - DMACC Residency for In-State Tuition




Master List Section: Student Services

  1. Institutional Regulation

    The College shall establish procedures for classification of residency status for purposes of assessing tuition charges for credit courses. This will be done in compliance with the State of Iowa Uniform Policy on Student Residency Status (Iowa Code, Section 260C.14(2).
  2. Reclassification of Residency Status
    1. A student maybe reclassified as a resident for tuition purposes.
      1. Any requests for reclassification must be received prior to the first day of the term for which the student desires the change to take effect.
      2. Requests must include documentation that proves the student has been in the state of Iowa for 90 or more days prior to the start of the term.
      3. It is the responsibility of a student to request a reclassification of residency status.
      4. Reclassification to residency status cannot be retroactive for tuition purposes, even though the student may have previously qualified for residency status had the student applied in a timely manner.
  3. Procedure for Determination of Iowa Residency for Tuition Purposes
    1. Residency for Students Who are Citizens of the United States
      1. A person who has been admitted to Des Moines Area Community College shall be classified as an Iowa resident or as a non-Iowa resident for admission and tuition purposes.
        1. A person classified as an Iowa resident shall pay resident tuition costs. A person classified as a non-Iowa resident shall pay non-resident tuition costs. Non-Iowa residents will be assessed tuition at twice the rate of what a resident student will be charged.
        2. Persons who register for non-credit continuing education courses shall be charged course fees determined on course costs and by market demand.
        3. In determining Iowa resident or non-resident classification, the primary determination is the reason a person is in the state of Iowa. The second determination will be the length of time a person has resided in Iowa. If a person is in Iowa primarily for educational purposes, that person will be considered a non-Iowa resident. The burden of establishing the reason a person is in Iowa for other than educational purposes rests with the student.
        4. A DMACC applicant may be required to provide the DMACC Registrar’s office with written documents, affidavits, or other related evidence deemed necessary to determine why a student is in Iowa. The burden of proof is upon the student.
        5. Proof of residence.
          A student will be required to submit supporting third party dated documentation, demonstrating residency for at least 90 days in Iowa, which must be submitted prior to the start of the term for which they are registering. At least two of the following items, which provide evidence of purpose for being in Iowa, must be provided. The following are examples of acceptable documentation:
          1. Written and notarized documentation from an employer that the student is employed in Iowa or a signed and notarized statement from the student describing employment and sources of support.
          2. Iowa state income tax return.
          3. An Iowa driver’s license.
          4. An Iowa vehicle registration card.
          5. An Iowa voter registration card.
          6. Proof of Iowa Homestead credit on property taxes.
          7. Apartment lease or utility bill.

            In all events, to be determined a resident of Iowa, the individual must document residing in the state of Iowa for at least 90 days prior to the beginning of the term for which he/she is enrolling.
      2. This procedure shall be administered by the registrar or office staff designated by the community college. Resident and non-resident tuition rates shall be printed and available in the catalog or another major college publication.
    2. Residency of Minor Students Who are Citizens of the United States
      1. Minors
        Students enrolling at Des Moines Area Community College will be considered minors until the legal age of 18. Proof of parents’ residency will be required for these students.
        1. The residency of a minor shall follow the residency of the parent with whom the minor resides except where emancipation can be proven. The word “parent” shall include legal guardian or others in cases where the lawful custody of a minor has been awarded to persons other than actual parents.
        2. A minor living with a resident of Iowa who is legally responsible for the minor shall be granted resident status if the minor has lived with the Iowa resident for at least 90 days immediately prior to enrollment.
      2. Students Age 18 and Over
        Students age 18 and older must provide proof of their residency, rather than that of their parents.
      3. Emancipated Minor
        1. The residency status of an emancipated minor shall be based upon the same qualifications established for a person having attained majority.
    3. Residency of Federal Personnel and Dependents
      1. A person and his/her spouse, who has moved into the state of Iowa as the result of military or civil orders from the federal government, and the minor children of such persons, are entitled to immediate Iowa residency status.
    4. Veteran’s Exemption
      1. A veteran of military service or National Guard, or his/her spouse or dependent child shall be classified as a resident if the veteran is domiciled in Iowa and one of the following conditions is met:
        1. The veteran has separated from a U.S. military force with an honorable discharge or a general discharge, is eligible for benefits, or has exhausted benefits, under the federal Post- 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any other federal authorizing veteran educational benefits program.
        2. The individual is an active duty military person, or activated or temporarily mobilized National Guard member.

          To be eligible for the exemption, a dependent child must be claimed as a dependent on an eligible veteran’s internal revenue service tax filing for the previous year.
    5. Residency of Students who are not Citizens of the United States
      1. Student Visa (F-1 or F-2)
        1. International students who are in the United States on any type of student visa (e.g. an F-1 or F-2 visa) cannot establish in-state residency while studying in this country. Students who come to Des Moines Area Community College from one of our “sister states” will have a special residency status allowing them to pay in-state tuition. (List of sister states can be found in E5.)
        2. An alien who has non-immigrant status and whose primary purpose for being in Iowa is educational is classified as non-resident. A “student visa” is prima facie evidence of non-residency. (I.e., in a rare case, a student holding the visa could overcome the presumption of non-residency).
      2. Refugee or Granted Asylum
        A person who is a refugee or who is granted asylum by an appropriate agency of the United States must provide proof of certification of refugee or asylum grantee status. A person may be accorded resident status for admission and tuition purposes when the person comes directly, or within a reasonable time, to the State of Iowa from a refugee facility or port of debarkation and has not established domicile in another state.
      3. Immigrant status
        A person, who has immigrant status, and his or her spouse or dependents, may establish Iowa residency in the same manner as a United States citizen.
      4. Non-immigrant status
        A person who has non-immigrant status and who holds a non-student visa, and his or her spouse or dependents, may establish residency in the same manner as a United States citizen.
      5. Sister City/Sister State
        Iowa has established a public-private, nonprofit organization, Iowa Sister States, whose purpose is to promote cultural and economic partnerships. DMACC recognizes this formal relationship by allowing individuals from the following “states’ to be eligible for resident status for admission and tuition:
        1. Hebei Province, China
        2. Shijiazhuang, China;
        3. Saint Étienne, France;
        4. Provincia di Catanzaro, Italy,
        5. Veneto Region, Italy
        6. Kōfu, Japan;
        7. Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
        8. Terengganu, Malaysia
        9. Naucalpan, Mexico;
        10. Yucatan, Mexico
        11. Stavropol Krai, Russia
        12. Taiwan (the entire country/state)
        13. Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
      6. Proof of Residence
        To apply for reclassification from nonresident to resident status, the student must complete the following steps:
        1. Submit proof of your legal immigration status in the form of a copy of an I-94 card showing appropriate status; or
        2. Submit a copy of your U.S. Permanent Resident Card.
        3. In addition, non-U.S. citizens must submit supporting dated documentation demonstrating residency for at least 90 days in Iowa which must be submitted prior to the start of the term for which they are registering. At least two of the following items, which provide evidence of purpose for being in Iowa, must be provided. No two documents may come from the same source (i.e., apartment lease and utility bill). The following are examples of acceptable documentation:
          1. Iowa driver’s license
          2. Iowa vehicle registration form
          3. Iowa state income tax return, signed and dated
          4. Iowa voter registration card
          5. Proof of Iowa Homestead credit on property taxes
          6. Written and notarized documentation from an employer that you are employed in Iowa.
          7. Other indicators of Iowa residency, such as apartment lease dated and signed by both you and the manager, utility bills, bank statements, etc., dated and showing your Iowa address. (No two of these items can relate to the same source, i.e. apartment lease and utility bill.)
  4. Appeal of a Residency Decision

    Students wishing to appeal a DMACC residency decision should submit a written appeal to the College Registrar.  

Cross Reference:
SA 503 - Admissions Standards  

Adopted: September 1, 2008
November 1, 2019

May 10, 2022 - Cross-reference to SA Policy 503.

September 14, 2022 - Fixed spelling errors and errors regarding the incorrect form.

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