Mar 10, 2025
HR3330 - Political Activity Procedure
Master List Section: Human Resources
- Institutional Regulations
Employees are encouraged to participate in the political process but they must refrain from those activities that are prohibited by law or College policy or procedure.
- Procedure
- Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Participating in partisan political activities during College work time;
- Using College facilities, equipment, supplies, or other resources for political gain or partisan purposes;
- Soliciting or demanding, directly or indirectly, any contribution of money or any other thing of value from another College employee for election purposes or for the purpose of paying expenses of any political organization or any person seeking election to public office;
- Posting political circulars or petitions on College property.
- An employee may request a Leave Without Pay (see HR3765 ) to participate in a political campaign or to hold political office.
Cross Reference: Procedures HR3765 - Leave Without Pay and LTD Leave Without Pay
Policy HR415 - Political Activity
Adopted: October 1, 2002 Reviewed: Annually
Revised: September 1, 2020
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