Mar 10, 2025
BS5822 - Request for Student Registration Refunds Procedure
Master List Section: Business Service
- Institutional Regulation
In accordance with the College’s Tuition Refund Policy, students will be paid for any tuition paid to the College by the student after the student withdraws from a course or class.
- Procedure
- Any indebtedness owed to the College will be deducted from the amount of refund due to the student.
- If a student initially paid their tuition bill with cash or check, a refund check will be issued. If the student initially paid their tuition bill using a credit card, the refund will be credited back to their credit card.
- The Business Office will:
- Review all “holds” on account before releasing refunds,
- Initiate requests for refund checks on a weekly basis as calculated by the administrative computer system,
- Review other non-financial aid refunds for appropriateness, and
- Review the final check register of the refunds prior to actual disbursement.
- The Financial Aid Department will:
- Review all Financial Aid refunds and
- Insure compliance with Federal and State guidelines.
- Refunds to students who have paid by check will be processed 21 days after the payment date to allow sufficient time for the check to be honored by the student’s bank.
Adopted: July 1, 2000
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