Mar 10, 2025
BD2171 - Public Participation Board of Directors: Board Meetings
Master List Section: Board of Directors
- A person wishing to address the Board should fill out a “Request to Address Board” form prior to a meeting, listing his or her name and remark subject.
If the subject is on the agenda, the speaker shall be heard when the agenda item is initially announced for discussion. If the subject is not on the agenda, speakers may address the Board during the agenda’s public comment item. If the subject requires preparation of an agenda item, it shall be referred to the president and the person raising the issue shall be informed of the meeting when it will appear on the agenda.
- Only individuals recognized by the chair shall be permitted to participate in a discussion. Any attempts to participate by persons not so recognized are out of order. Public comments, in person or placed in virtual environments, by an individual who has not received approval of a “Request to Address Board” form prior to a meeting, will not be acknowledged.
- The chair shall permit and conduct adequate discussion of each agenda item by members, employees, and the public. Speakers are asked to keep comments as brief as possible, not exceeding five minutes. Generally, no more than 20 minutes shall be allowed for public comments. If additional time is needed, a motion to extend the discussion may be made by any member. Extended discussion or actions must relate to posted agenda items.
- After gaining the chair’s recognition, members may interrupt a speaker to ask questions and clarify discussion.
- Remarks and allegations by speakers concerning the character or motives of college employees shall be out of order.
Reviewed: 2023
Revised: July 13, 2020; 2023
Related Form: https://dynamicforms.ngwebsolutions.com/Submit/Start/2fec6a52-acf7-4131-813e-91cb1968e398?SSO=N
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