Mar 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ELT 623 - Microcontrollers Lab

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours: 0
Lab Hours: 2
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
Includes experiments that exercise microcontroller instruction sets and microcomputer central processing units,memory and I/O devices. Routines and subroutines are written in assembly language, assembled, downloaded and tested.
Prerequisite: Both ELT 324  and ELT 325  or instructor approval
Corequisite: ELT 622  

  1. Summarize Assembly Language Programming
    1. Describe a digital computer’s basic hardware organization using an Overall Fundamental Block Diagram
    2. Define a computer program
    3. Explain the purpose of a computer’s operating system program
    4. Explain the fundamentals of low-level/assembly language and high-level language programming
  2. Compose software routines containing loops, jumps, labels and the decision making process
    1. Illustrate looping activity using the unconditional jump
    2. Explain how labels are used to identify relative jump addresses as opposed to absolute jump address
    3. List the two steps the uP must perform in the decision making process
    4. Write a routine to illustrate the decision making process
    5. Write a routine to illustrate looping using the conditional jump instruction
  3. Compose software routines containing constants and variables in assembly language programming
    1. Explain the difference between constants and variables in assembly language programming
    2. Illustrate constants and variables in assembly language routines
    3. Demonstrate how to establish and use a RAM buffer
    4. Write routines which can transfer blocks of data from one area of computer memory to another
  4. Generate Software Time Delays in Computer Programs
    1. Draw flow charts showing how to generate single delay-loops using an 8 bit counter and a 16 bit counter
    2. Calculate the precise amount of delay for single delay-loops using either an 8 bit counter or a 16 bit counter
    3. Draw a flow chart showing how to generate a nested time delay ­loop
    4. Calculate the precise amount of delay for nested delay-loops
  5. Relate Calls, Returns, Subroutines, and the Stack
  6. Create arithmetic routines
    1. Compose Binary Integer Addition and Subtraction routines
    2. Compose Binary Integer Multiplication and Division routines
  7. Service Peripheral Devices via Computer Polling
    1. Define EXTERNAL FLAGS and POLLING and describe how they are used with computer I/O structures
    2. Identify real world examples where POLLING could be used
    3. Name the two generic types of POLLING structures and give a short definition of each
    4. Draw flow charts which illustrate the programming tasks and overall structure for the two generic POLLING structures
    5. List the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for each of the two generic POLLING structures
    6. Describe two methods that may be used to cause an escape/exit out of a POLLING loop
  8. Program service execution via Internal and External Interrupts
  9. Debounce mechanical switches
    1. Explain the importance of debouncing mechanical switches
    2. Show how an RS flip-flop and mono-stable multivibrator (one shot) can be used to hardware debounce a mechanical switch
    3. Illustrate how to software debounce a mechanical switch when connected to a computer input port
  10. Implement serial communication via a micro controller

Competencies Revised Date: 2020

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