Oct 06, 2024  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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FIR 158 - Fire Officer I

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
This course is designed to meet NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualities , for Fire Officer I. Throughout this course, students will participate in various classroom activities and exercises designed to reinforce the lectures. Topics will include the company officer’s role, effective communications, management of resources, leadership, personnel safety, fire prevention, and investigation and planning. Students will be required to complete a class project that will be due within 2 months after conclusion of the course.
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: FIR 335  
  1. Outline the transition to the role of company officer.
    1. Recall and examine the importance of the company officer.
    2. Select facts about the challenges a new company officer will encounter.
    3. Indicate the types of expectations facing a new company officer.
    4. Identify solutions that may need to be attained by a new company officer.
    5. Recall the individuals or groups to which a company officer may be responsible.
    6. Compare the Fire Officer Level I human resources management community relations, administrative duties, inspection and investigation and health and safety duties.
  2. Examine leadership and the company officer.
    1. Match leadership terms to their definitions.
    2. Recall information about the leadership trait theory.
    3. Select facts about the behavioral theory of leadership.
    4. Choose correct responses about the principle-centered leadership theory.
    5. Identify characteristics of the basic leadership, situational leadership, social-change, and alpha leadership models.
    6. Select facts about leadership concepts and skills.
    7. Identify various types of power.
    8. Identify personality attributes needed and steps to be taken to achieve command presence.
  3. Identify and analyze logic, ethics, and decision-making.
    1. Match to their definitions terms associated with logic.
    2. Identify the four types of reasoning.
    3. Identify types of fallacies.
    4. Identify facts about ethical conduct
    5. Place in correct order the steps for dealing with ethical issues.
    6. Recall the elements of making a decision.
    7. Select correct responses about the steps of the decision-making process.
    8. Identify barriers to decision making.
    9. Identify the questions of the four-way test for ethical decision-making.
  4. Analyze the legal responsibilities and liabilities as a company officer
    1. Select facts about the major sources of law and identify the seven classifications.
    2. Match to their definitions legal terms.
    3. Recall various forms of liability.
    4. Select facts about federal and statutory laws of importance to the company officer’s duties.
    5. Identify national consensus standards that relate to emergency activities.
  5. Demonstrate interpersonal communications.
    1. Identify the six basic elements of all forms of communication.
    2. Select facts about the five purposes for interpersonal communication
    3. Identify correct responses about words as symbols.
    4. Recall information about the cultural concept of words.
    5. Select facts about the actions that a company officer can take to improve verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
    6. Recall information about the listening process and improving listening skills.
    7. Apply the interpersonal communication model to an emergency and non-emergency situation scenario.
  6. Demonstrate interpersonal communications.
    1. Identify elements of the speech communication process.
    2. Distinguish between interpersonal communication and speech communication.
    3. Identify characteristics of effective speakers.
    4. Match to their definitions the three types of formal speeches.
    5. Select facts about the persuasive and informative speech.
    6. Identify facts about various speaking opportunities available to the company officer
    7. Recall information about public relations speeches.
    8. Choose correct responses about the steps of the speech preparation process.
  7. Analyze and demonstrate written communications.
    1. Identify common paragraph transitions, parts of an outline, and accepted writing guidelines.
    2. Select facts about writing letters, memos and e-mail messages.
    3. Identify guidelines to follow when writing a press release.
    4. Given a scenario, write a news release over a fire and emergency services event.
    5. Select facts about various types of reports.
    6. Write a report on a specific fire department topic
    7. Select facts about executive summaries, agendas, and minutes.
    8. Identify basic information to be included in a policy or procedure.
    9. Recall information about requests for proposals (RFPs) and bid specifications.
  8. Examine the administrative functions of the company officer.
    1. Select facts about the main objectives of the customer service concept.
    2. Identify various information-gathering methods and steps to interpret information.
    3. Apply the customer service concept to a citizen inquiry
    4. Select facts about written policies and procedures.
    5. Recall information about the policy and procedures revision and monitoring process.
    6. Given a scenario, recommend changes to an existing policy or implement a new departmental policy.
    7. Identify various budget systems, types, and revenue sources.
    8. Prepare a budget request for a specific fire service need.
  9. Analyze and dissect safety and health issues.
    1. Identify facts about emergency scene casualties and nonemergency workplace casualties.
    2. Identify facts about safety initiatives and resources that focus on ensuring a safe work environment.
    3. Recall various safety policies and procedures.
    4. Distinguish among activities to ensure a safe work environment at the emergency scene, en route to and from the emergency scene, and at facilities.
    5. Select facts about information included in a safety and health program.
    6. Recall information about conducting accident investigations and complete an accident investigation.
    7. Identify facts about collecting data and completing accident report forms.
    8. Select facts about investigating injuries, illnesses, and exposures.
  10. Examine organizational structure and the company officer.
    1. Identify purposes of fire protection organizations.
    2. Identify public and private fire and emergency services organizations.
    3. Match to their definitions various types of staffing.
    4. Select facts about the three types of resource allocation.
  11. Outline and generalize company-level training.
    1. Distinguish between the two levels of fire and emergency services training.
    2. Recall information about the four-step method of instruction.
    3. Select facts about lesson plans.
    4. Identify various methods of training and training evolutions.
  12. Discuss human resources management.
    1. Recall information about company-level planning.
    2. Select facts about issues involving personnel assignments.
    3. Select facts about promotion and retention.
    4. Select correct responses about performance evaluations.
    5. Select correct responses about specific human resources issues a company officer may face.
    6. Respond to scenarios about human resources policies and procedures.
    7. Recall information about discipline as it applies to the company officer.
  13. Analyze labor/management relationship.
    1. Identify components of the history of the labor movement in North America.
    2. Recall information about the negotiating process.
    3. Select facts about grievance procedures.
  14. Investigate community relations and public fire and life-safety education.
    1. Recall information about community demographics and the diversity of a community.
    2. Respond to scenarios about community needs.
    3. Select facts about the purpose and scope of a public fire and life-safety education program.
    4. Identify different types of public education programs.
    5. Select correct responses regarding the five-step process in creating a public education program.
    6. Deliver a fire and life-safety presentation.
    7. Select facts about dealing with customer concerns, complaints, and inquiries
    8. Respond to scenarios about concerns of citizens.
    9. Select facts about the public information officer (PIO) and media relations.
  15. Examine and outline record management.
    1. Identify the steps in the management information system (MIS) process.
    2. Select facts about types of records normally maintained by a fire and emergency services organization.
    3. Recall information about the components of the electronic storage/retrieval system.
    4. Distinguish between private and public records.
  16. Highlight and examine pre-incident planning.
    1. Select facts about preincident planning.
    2. Match to their definitions the NFPA 220 types of building construction.
    3. Match to their definitions the International Building Code® (IBC®) types of building construction.
    4. Identify different types of roofs.
    5. Select facts about conducting the preincident survey.
    6. Select facts about fire loading, fire protection and structure ventilation systems.
  17. Outline and identify incident scene management practices.
    1. Recall the common characteristics of the National Incident Management System/Incident Command System (NIMS-ICS).
    2. Identify facts about incident priorities and incident size-up.
    3. Identify the five steps in the size-up process as developed by Lloyd Layman.
    4. Choose correct facts about the various scene-control methods.
    5. Select true statements concerning traffic control at an emergency scene.
    6. Choose correct facts about crowd control and on-scene occupant services.
    7. Apply the NIMS-ICS model to an emergency incident plan.
    8. Implement an incident action plan (IAP) at an emergency scene
  18. Discuss and analyze incident scene operations.
    1. Recall each of the elements of the Layman Decision-Making Model.
    2. Select facts about the application of size-up theory to three specific time periods
    3. Recognize condition indicators that may be present at a structure fire.
    4. Identify facts about operational implementation and modes.
    5. Recall facts about apparatus placement and positioning at structural, high-rise, haz-mat medical, aircraft fire scenes.
    6. Identify the incident termination activities of the Company Officer.
  19. Identify post-incident activities.
    1. Define scene security and chain of custody.
    2. Distinguish between an interview and an interrogation.
    3. Place in order the steps of an interview.
    4. Identify characteristics of an incident report.
    5. Identify the common causes of fires.
    6. Select facts about determining the point of origin for various types of fires.
    7. Apply the evaluation process to the fire cause and determination task.
    8. Identify the most common sources of contamination at fire scenes.
    9. Select facts about the elements of a postincident analysis and critique.

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