Mar 14, 2025
FIR 335 - Fire Instructor I Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course will focus on the presentation skills that new instructors need to deliver prepared lesson plans. Topics will include preparing to teach, developing presentation skills, using audiovisual equipment, and identifying lesson objectives, questions, tests, and evaluation instruments. Students will make three presentations during the course. This course follows the guidelines set out by National Fire Protection Association Standard 1041. Students will need to obtain a score of 70% or greater on the course final and final presentation for successful completion. Students will be able to take the State of Iowa Fire Instructor I certification exam after successful completion of the class. Competencies
- Examine the challenges of Fire and Emergency Services Instruction.
- Identify obligations of fire and emergency service instructors to students, the organization, the profession and themselves.
- List characteristics of effective instructors.
- Identify solutions to challenges that instructors must meet.
- Analyze safety and the training function in during instruction.
- Define accident and list places where injuries and fatalities occur.
- Identify facts about the instructor’s role in providing a safe training environment and prevention.
- Describe the instructor’s role in an accident investigation.
- Examine legal and ethical considerations.
- Identify facts about how legal considerations and liability affect the instructor.
- Distinguish among the types of laws.
- Identify legal requirements for recordkeeping.
- Discuss the basic components of ethics.
- Analyze and discuss effective interpersonal communications.
- Identify facts about the elements of interpersonal communications.
- List the purposes of interpersonal communications.
- Identify facts about the verbal component of interpersonal communications.
- List verbal and nonverbal skills improvement guidelines.
- Identify components of the listening process.
- Examine instructional facilities and props.
- Identify infrastructure requirements and mobile training facilities.
- List live-fire training area characteristics.
- Discuss portable training props.
- Identify facts about using acquired structures for live-fire training and responsibilities for using them
- Outline report writing and record keeping.
- List fire and emergency services activities that are documented by reports
- Identify general considerations in report writing.
- Identify guidelines for report development and writing styles.
- List types of training records.
- Described steps in the record-keeping systems development process.
- Examine principles of learning.
- Identify characteristics of pedagogy and andragogy.
- Identify terms associated with the learning process
- Describe the three domains of learning.
- Identify the levels of learning in the cognitive and psychomotor domain
- List the three basic categories of learning styles.
- Explain the cone of learning model.
- Identify characteristics of the traditional and mastery approach to teaching.
- Examine student attributes and behaviors.
- Identify how student characteristics affect learning.
- Identify characteristics of categories of learning abilities and ways instructors can manage each type.
- Identify accurate statements about behavior management.
- List example of student-caused disruption behavior.
- Discuss methods of dealing with student-caused disruptive behavior.
- Analyze and identify preparation for instruction.
- Define lesson plan and its components.
- Distinguish among the steps in the four-step methods of instruction.
- Discuss methods of ensuring course continuity.
- Identify types of classroom seating arrangements and indoor environments.
- Examine and discuss instructional delivery.
- Discuss types of instructional delivery methods.
- List advantages and disadvantages of the lecture format.
- List guidelines for using visual aids in an illustrated lecture and demonstration.
- Discuss types of technology-based training.
- Identify accurate statements about self-directed learning and individualized instruction.
- List the characteristics of effective speaker.
- Describe the components of an oral presentation.
- List advantages of active learning.
- Discuss responding to student answers or new questions students may ask.
- Examine audiovisual technology.
- List the guidelines and benefits of using audiovisual training aids.
- List purposes of transitions.
- Describe a verbal and a nonverbal transition.
- Identify facts about non-projected training aids.
- Identify accurate statements about front-screen and rear-screen projection devices.
- List cleaning guidelines for audiovisual training aid devices
- Outline and analyze structured exercises, demonstrations, and practical training evolutions.
- Identify facts about structured exercises.
- Explain the steps in a psycho motor skills demonstration and benefits of practical training.
- List types of tasks or situations applicable to practical training evolutions.
- Discuss locations used for practical training evolutions.
- Describe methods used to control an evolution.
- Discuss complex and technical training evolutions.
- List guidelines for interior and exterior structural fire training.
- Identify accurate statements about instructor preparation when planning practical training evolutions.
- Outline and examine student progress evaluation and testing.
- Explain the purpose of student evaluations and testing.
- Define criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests.
- Distinguish among prescriptive, formative, and summative.
- Identify accurate statements about performance, oral, and written tests.
- Identify guidelines for administering written and performance tests.
- List guidelines regarding test
- Identify facts about feedback.
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