Mar 14, 2025
FLA 242 - Intermediate Arabic II Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core Continue to acquire a higher level of Arabic language skills of reading, writing, grammar and conversational communications. Writing, grammar and conversation will be emphasized within cultural context. Prerequisite: FLA 241 or permission of instructor Competencies
- Communicate with others in a more advanced Arabic skill (orally and in writing).
- Answer questions in short answers
- Follow directions given by the teacher in Arabic
- Write directions to others
- Ask the teacher about information in Arabic
- Build basic vocabulary list
- Use Arabic proverbs, idioms and sayings
- Use advanced Arabic grammar.
- Write in classical Arabic correctly
- Write words or statements from memory (dictation).
- Distinguish between functions of words in Arabic.
- Correctly use articles and adverbs in writing.
- Show knowledge of adjectives, nouns, pronouns.
- Analyze words in selected Arabic statements
- Show correct usage of words in selected Arabic ads
- Comment on usage of words in a selected literary work.
- Demonstrate ability to be sensitive to the Arabic personality.
- Read simple Arabic historical passages
- Read about general Arabic personality
- Identify the type of customs of each Arabic speaking region.
- React to Arabic expectations of others
- Learn about prominent figures in each country
- Demonstrate ability to write in simple Arabic
- Use the correct verb tense when writing short reports.
- Write one’s brief opinion
- Use a variety of grammatical forms.
- Use new words by using an Arabic/English dictionary.
- Write a short personal invitation
- Write a short response for the invitation
- Use famous Arabic opening statements in communications.
- Interpret customs of Arabic regions
- Read some Arabic article about Arabic customs.
- Orally discuss the Arabic article with other class members.
- Find similar issue in English literature and compare it.
- Explain the pros and cons of these customs
- Give a short presentation in classical Arabic
- Respond orally and in writing (up to 10 statements), to ordinary questions in Arabic.
- Regarding weather
- Regarding residence.
- Regarding health
- Regarding job
- Regarding money.
- Regarding hotel
- Regarding travel.
- Regarding country
- Regarding hobby
- Regarding sport
- Regarding marriage
- Regarding family
- Regarding clothes
- Regarding food
- Regarding study
- Regarding politics
- Regarding religion
- Interpret/summarize Arabic TV and/or Radio shows, and journal ads.
- Identify the culture described show or ad.
- Interpret the theme of each show or ad.
- Point to differences between Arabic and USA shows or ads.
- Name important figures in Arabic and find similar ones in USA.
- Pronounce and write down famous Arabic names
- Compare some proverbs, topics and customs in Arabic and USA
- Find common grounds between Arabic and USA cultures using these shows.
- Give a short presentation about the show and provide a written summary.
- Discuss a general issue related to Arabic language and/or culture.
- Share something that is known about the Arabic language and/or culture.
- Share one’s opinion with others
- Describe prejudices and stereotyping of Arabic culture.
- Identify three popular American personalities of Arabic origin.
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