Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Safety & Security


Service animals are allowed in public areas on campuses, attendance centers and at College sponsored events. For more information, visit DMACC’s Service Animals website.

Cellular Phone Use

Cellular phone users should be respectful of others by following the guidelines outlined below.

  • Turn cellular phone ringer off or set to “silent” upon entering any classroom, computer lab, library, office or auditorium.
  • Short, quiet cellular phone conversations may take place in corridors, away from doorways. Please move extended conversations outside of the building.
  • Move immediately to a hallway when placing or receiving calls.
  • Be courteous to others by keeping a low-volume voice.
  • Cell phones with picture-taking capabilities shall not be used in changing rooms, locker rooms, or restrooms. Individuals wishing to take photos in any recreation facility must first have DMACC permission.
  • Faculty members have the right to limit the use of cell phones in their classrooms.

Clery Act Annual Security Report

In 1991, the U.S. Congress passed the Student Right-to-Know and the Campus Security Act, which requires colleges to report the three previous years of statistics on murder, robbery, sex offenses, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson, and statistics on arrests for drug and alcohol violations and weapons violations. In 1998, Congress passed an amendment renaming the act the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and required that all crimes motivated by hate or bias be included in the statistics. DMACC recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe and secure learning environment. Visit DMACC’s Safety and Security website to access the report.

Disciplinary Proceedings Information For Victims of Crime

According to federal law, upon written request, institutions must disclose to alleged victims of certain crimes the results of disciplinary proceedings conducted by the institution. For more information, visit DMACC’s Student Conduct, Discipline and Appeals Procedure.

DMACC Emergency Notification Policy Statement

DMACC uses a multilayered emergency notification system called InformaCast/the Bear Alert. InformaCast notifies the college community of an emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of our faculty, staff, students, and visitors. InformaCast notifies the college community by sending alert messaging via email, text, phone call, campus phone and building speakers, as well as computer monitor alert message. If you have questions concerning InformaCast please email Brian Endrizal at bendrizal@dmacc.edu or call 515-964-6612.

For additional emergency procedures information please visit DMACC’s Safety and Security website. If you have information regarding the DMACC community, an emergency or ongoing threat to the college community, please call DMACC Security at 515-964-6500.

The DMACC Crisis Management Team (CMT) has the responsibility of responding to, coordinating for, mitigating, investigating, and documenting incidents that may create a significant emergency or dangerous situation to the college community. In addition, if the DMACC CMT determines an incident poses a threat to the college community, federal law requires DMACC to promptly notify the college community or appropriate segments of the college community affected by an incident.

The DMACC CMT will collaborate to determine the content of an emergency notification message, and will use some or all, of the emergency notification systems previously mentioned to communicate information to the college community or appropriate segments of the college community affected by an incident. The DMACC CMT coordinates with emergency responders as needed to determine whether the content and initiation of an emergency notification will compromise efforts to assist victims, or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate an incident.

Drug-free Schools & Campuses Act

DMACC strives to provide an educational environment that promotes the health and safety of students, faculty and staff. Accordingly, DMACC complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (EDGAR Part 86).

DMACC BS 5551 Compliance with Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act 

Standards of Conduct-Drug-free Workplace

The College shall take appropriate action, to the extent possible, to provide a work environment free of drugs and other illegal substances. The manufacture, possession, use and/or distribution of illegal substances is forbidden on any College property or at any College-sponsored activity. No employee or student may appear on College property if, as a result of the use of drugs or other illegal substances, he/she cannot adequately perform normal functions or if he/she impedes the normal operation of the College (Board Policy 2016, Drug-Free Workplace).

Compliance with this policy shall be a condition of employment. Any workplace-related violation leading to conviction shall be reported to Human Resources. Prior to reinstatement of any employee so convicted, or as a condition of continuing employment, completion of a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program shall be required. Educational information on drug abuse shall be made available to employees and students (Board Policy 2016, Drug-Free Workplace).

DMACC’s Student Conduct, Discipline, and Appeals Procedure, ES 4630, and Tobacco-Free Campus Policy, ES 4635, (please see DMACC Policies and Procedures to read the policies in full) state that the following behaviors are prohibited:

  • Using, possessing, misusing or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or other intoxicating beverage on College property or at College-sponsored functions except as authorized by College regulations or College authority.
  • Manufacturing, processing, selling, delivering, providing, using, purchasing, misusing or possessing any narcotic drug, marijuana or other addictive, dangerous or controlled substance on College property or at College-sponsored functions. Drug paraphernalia is also prohibited.
  • The use of tobacco products, which include smokeless or smoking tobacco, or vaping devices, is prohibited on all College locations and all attendance facilities in compliance with State of Iowa Chapter 142D Smokefree Air Act.

Health Risks

For a chart of DRUGS OF ABUSE/Uses and Effects, visit the US Drug Enforcement website.

Possible Legal Sanctions and Penalties

Iowa Alcohol-Related Laws

  • Underage possession/purchase/consumption: 1st offense-simple misdemeanor $200 fine; 2nd offense-simple misdemeanor $500 fine + loss of driving privileges not to exceed one year or substance abuse evaluation; subsequent violations-simple misdemeanor $500 fine + loss of driving privileges not to exceed one year.
  • OWI: 1st offense 48 hours jail/$1,500 fine; 2nd offense 7 days jail/$1,850 fine; 3rd offense 30 days jail or commitment to prison (5 years maximum)/$3,125 fine.

More information about the legal penalties can be found at the Iowa Department of Revenue Alcohol & Tax Operations Division website.

Federal and State Drug Penalties

Substance Abuse Resources

For a chart of Iowa and Federal Trafficking Penalties, view these resources: (Iowa), (Federal)

DMACC counselors provide education and prevention programming and are available on a confidential basis to assist students with substance-abuse assessment, evaluation and referrals for treatment. Additional information and contact information for community resources can be found at the DMACC Counseling Department website.

Faculty and staff can access substance-abuse resources and services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Employee and Family Resources, 515-244-6090 or 1-800-327-4692.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The unlawful possession, use, distribution or misuse of illicit drugs or alcohol by students may result in sanctions including suspension from DMACC. View more information about the DMACC Student Conduct Code and possible sanctions.

DMACC Drug-Free Schools and Campuses information is also available on the DMACC Safety and Security website.

Parking & Traffic Regulations

Parking regulations apply at all DMACC campuses. Registered holders of parking permits, regardless of who drives the vehicle, are responsible for their motor vehicle complying with all regulations. Violating parking regulations results in individuals receiving a ticket and a fine.

Four or more outstanding unpaid tickets result in a letter of denial, which prohibits the vehicle from being parked on campus. Registered holders of parking permits have three (3) days to respond to the letter of denial and make payment on the previous tickets. No response from the owners of the vehicles results in their cars being towed at their expense. Parking tickets may be appealed in writing within ten (10) student contact days from the date of issuance. Appeal forms are available at the Physical Plant Office, Building 12, on the Ankeny Campus, in the Business Offices at all other campuses, or on the Parking Regulations page.

Skateboarding, rollerblading, roller skating, bicycle stunt riding or similar activities are prohibited on all DMACC buildings and grounds, including roads, drives, parking lots and sidewalks. Bikes and rollerblades are permitted on recreational trails at the Ankeny Campus. Exceptions may be allowed for official DMACC-sponsored programs.

Ankeny and Boone Campuses: Parking permits are required for all vehicles driven by daytime students. Stickers and Parking Regulations are available at no charge from the Information Desk in Building 1, the Front Desk in Building 12, or the SAC Office in Building 5 on the Ankeny Campus, and at the Business Office on the Boone Campus. Evening and Saturday students are not required to register their vehicles unless parked on the campuses during daytime hours, Monday-Friday.

Urban Campus: Parking permits are required for all vehicles driven on the Urban Campus, including evening and Saturday students and staff. Stickers are available at the Registration Desk at the Urban Campus at no charge.

Reporting Crimes

Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to report all criminal incidents and/or suspicious activity to the following:

  • Online Reporting
  • Ankeny Campus: Security Department - 515-964-6500, 24-hour services (5-6500 on campus)
  • Boone Campus: Provost - 515-432-5020 (or Building and Grounds Supervisor 515-433-5052 or 515-290-0553, cell phone)
  • Carroll Campus: Campus Operator - 712-792-1755
  • Newton Campus: Campus Operator - 641-831-9652
  • Urban Campus: Security - 515-248-7200 (5-7200 on campus)
  • West Campus: Campus Operator - 515-633-2407

In the event of an emergency situation and when calling from a campus phone, dial 8-911 to expedite the appropriate response by authorities.

All reports of criminal and/or suspicious activity will be investigated. DMACC will contact local police immediately of any, and all, incidents of murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and any theft greater than $150 in value. As required by Federal law, a Timely Warning concerning crimes considered a threat to faculty, staff, students and visitors will be disseminated to the college community via InformaCast, email, student newspaper, DMACC Daily, DMACC Student Daily, press releases for local newspapers, radio, TV and/or posted notices. DMACC Safety and Security information pertaining to Security, Personal Safety, Emergency Procedures, and a variety of related topics can be found in the DMACC Safety and Security section of our website.

Solicitation & Recruitment

Recruiters/organization representatives must contact the Student Activities Office on the Ankeny Campus or the Provosts’ Office (or Provost’s designee) on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West Campuses at least three College business days prior to the requested activity. Permission will be granted on a space-available basis. During the activity, a copy of the written permission notice must be in the possession of the recruiter/organization representative. 

Title IX

Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in all educational programs and activities. Title IX applies to admissions, financial aid, academics, athletics, career services, counseling, medical services, employment, and all other programs, events, and activities available at educational institutions. The prohibition against gender discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual intimidation, and relationship violence. View details about Title IX, or access our policies and procedures to read more.