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2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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HIS 110 - West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core

The student will learn about first civilizations, ancient Greeks and Romans, diverse religions, medieval society, the Renaissance and Reformation, discovery of the New World, scientific developments, and monarchies Europe.

  1. Analyze life in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Eras

    1. Examine theories on human origins

    2. Compare the tools, food sources, and population sizes of societies in these eras

    3. Characterize Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations

    4. Distinguish the monotheism of the Hebrews from the religious beliefs of contemporaries

  2. Assess the Rise of Greek Civilization

    1. Investigate theories for the collapse of ancient civilizations circa 1200 BCE

    2. Identify the main plots of The Iliad and The Odyssey

    3. Examine the polis, hoplite warfare, and the Greek rivalry with Persia

    4. Compare and contrast the city-states of Athens and Sparta

  3. Critique Classical and Hellenistic Greece

    1. Connect key Greek intellects with their contributions to Western Civilization

    2. Describe the origin, outcome, and major figures of the Peloponnesian Wars

    3. Examine the development and achievements of Hellenistic Civilization

    4. Appraise Alexander the Great’s reign and legacy

  4. Outline the Rise of the Roman Republic

    1. Describe how the Roman republic operated

    2. Differentiate the social position of patricians, plebeians, foreigners, slaves, and women

    3. Connect Rome’s expansion to victories in major conflicts

    4. Determine the factors and figures contributing to the breakdown of the republic

  5. Evaluate The Roman Empire

    1. Appraise the reigns of Augustus and the Julio-Claudian, Flavian, and Good Emperors

    2. List major Roman architectural and artistic achievements

    3. Analyze the emergence of Christianity and position of Christians within the Roman Empire

    4. Formulate an argument for why Western Rome fell from power

  6. Appraise Major Figures and Developments from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages 476-1000

    1. Discuss the synthesis of Roman, Christian, and Germanic culture

    2. Evaluate Byzantium’s cultural achievements and political position

    3. Explain the importance of the papacy, Franks, monasticism, feudalism, and 3-field system

    4. Judge the use of the term “Dark Ages” for this era

    5. Compare and contrast the main tenets of Catholicism, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity

  7. Distinguish the Rise of Papal Power and Monarchial States of the High Middle Ages 1000-1300

    1. Characterize the position of the monarchs of France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire

    2. Discuss conflicts between church and state

    3. Analyze the crusades and weigh the reasons why Europeans took up the cross

    4. Identify the main beliefs and contributions of the mendicant orders

    5. List the major features of Gothic architecture

  8. Evaluate Life in Medieval Society 1000-1300

    1. Examine the roles of clergymen, nobles, peasants, and merchants

    2. Analyze the experiences of medieval women and children

    3. Investigate anti-Semitism of the pre-modern era

    4. Highlight the importance of cathedrals and universities

  9. Evaluate the Social and Political breakdown of the Late Middle Ages 1300-1453

    1. Identify the cause, symptoms, and social consequences of The Black Death

    2. State the origin, key figures, and outcome of the Hundred Years War

    3. Critique peasant revolts of this era

    4. Summarize the Great Schism and reasons for growing anti-church sentiment

  10. Critique the Renaissance and “Discovery” of the New World

    1. Summarize the importance of the Renaissance and identify important contributors

    2. Contrast the dissemination of knowledge before and after the printing press

    3. Characterize Spanish, Aztec, Inca, and Maya civilizations prior to discovery

    4. Evaluate the Columbian Exchange’s influence on the Atlantic World

  11. Appraise the Dynamics of the Age of Reformation

    1. Compare and contrast the ideas of Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Anabaptists, and Anglicans

    2. Critique the Catholic Church’s response to the Reformation

    3. Weigh the social changes of the Reformation

    4. Map the religious geography of Europe circa 1600

  12. Interpret the Age of Religious Wars

    1. Compare and contrast monarchs’ responses to the Reformation

    2. Paraphrase the causes and consequences of the wars of religion

    3. Assess the positives and negatives of the Reformation and Age of Religious Wars

  13. Analyze European State Building of the 17th and 18th Centuries

    1. Differentiate parliamentary monarchy from royal absolutism

    2. Examine the rise of Peter the Great and the Westernization of Russia

    3. Identify the emergence of Prussia as a European power

    4. Describe the Ottoman Empire and assess its role on European history

  14. Critique the Scientific Revolution

    1. Discuss the growing importance of science and its influence on European life

    2. Explain key discoveries in astronomy

    3. Compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s theories on government

    4. Summarize some of the mystical and or folk beliefs of Europeans

  15. Demonstrate effective communication and critical thinking skills through writing

    1. Define and interpret primary sources

    2. Use historical evidence to create a formal analytical paper with a coherent argument

Competencies Revised Date: AY2022

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