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2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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HIS 214 - Russian History and Culture

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: General
Students survey the history of Russia from the great dynasties through the Putin era. Students will study political change from absolutist to parliamentary, the rise of the Communist Party, the struggle for control of the Communist Party, the harsh rule of Stalin, the impact of WWII, post WWII international influence of the Soviet Union, Soviet Union’s involvement with Iowa, downfall of the Soviet Union and the rise of post-Communist Party Russia.

  1. Evaluate the early dynasties in Russian history
    1. Reflect on the impact of the arrival of Rurik and the Vikings
    2. Assess how the earliest dynasty emerged
    3. Explain what caused the fall of Kievan Rus and how the Mongol yoke came to be
    4. Determine how the rise of Moscow, a new dynasty, and the fall of the Mongols occurred
    5. Appraise the collapse of the monarchy and the irreparable changes brought on by the time of troubles
    6. Explain the rise of the Romanov dynasty and its important rulers
  2. Characterize the effects of the continuation of Romanov rule on Russia
    1. Summarize the Russian governmental actions to maintain Romanov rule
    2. Demonstrate how the Russian government changed from absolute monarchy to parliamentary form
    3. Outline the economic steps taken to reform Russia’s economy
    4. Explain the impact of Russian orthodoxy on political and cultural change
    5. Illustrate the difficulty of governing a multi-ethnic nation and a diverse population
  3. Analyze the rise of the political leadership of the Communist Party [Bolshevik]
    1. Distinguish how Russia’s efforts in WWI enriched the political atmosphere for revolution
    2. Discover how a weak Tsar aided political unrest
    3. Dissect the political chaos of 1917
    4. List how the Bolsheviks consolidated power during the 1920s
    5. Examine the increasing economic penetration of Russia into the world’s economy
  4. Identify how Stalin rose to control the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)/USSR
    1. Define Stalin’s accumulation of dictatorial power
    2. Recall how other Bolshevik leaders failed to understand Stalin
    3. Tell how Stalin shifted political position to enhance his political power
  5. Evaluate the steps Stalin used to develop total control of the USSR
    1. Conclude how Stalin manipulated the leadership of the CPSU to gain control of the USSR’s political system
    2. Appraise collectivization and the super-industrialization campaign and how it upset the balance in Russian society
    3. Interpret the importance of the 1930s purge period on the diverse aspects of society
    4. Explain the importance of show trials for the consolidation of political power by Stalin
  6. Categorize the importance and impact of WWII on the USSR
    1. Identify Russia’s involvement on the world stage in the years leading up to WWII
    2. Organize the changing relationship between Germany and the USSR in the WWII era
    3. Construct how the Soviet Union contributed to the defeat of Germany in WWII
    4. Model the role of the Soviet Union in international diplomacy during WWII
  7. Characterize the effect of the political pressure of the Soviet Union on the world after WWII
    1. Illustrate the characteristics of a totalitarian state
    2. Infer the meaning of “Cold War”
    3. Compare the impact of the Korean War and other movements in the developing world and how they impacted world political thought towards the USSR
    4. Summarize Khrushchev’s political maneuvering to become the new leader
  8. Distinguish the difficulties and successes of the Khrushchev period
    1. Show the USSR’s growing influence on “third world” countries
    2. Tell about Khrushchev’s visit to Iowa/US in 1959
    3. Match Khrushchev’s successes and failures domestically and abroad and why he has a contested legacy
  9. Evaluate how the conservative Bolsheviks maintained power after the fall of Khrushchev
    1. Measure how the increasing voices of dissent in the USSR created difficulties for the USSR
    2. Determine how Soviet leadership tried to increase consumer choices in the market
    3. Assess the increasing unrest amid Soviet satellite nations
  10. Analyze the succession of Soviet leaders from Brezhnev to Gorbachev
    1. Compare how post Brezhnev leaders continued past political practices and whether it was continuity or stagnation
    2. Interpret how economic stagnation hampered the USSR
    3. Contrast how diverse groups were able to reestablish their identities and assert their freedom
  11. Evaluate the rise of Gorbachev
    1. Appraise the attempt at political change by Gorbachev
    2. Assess the USSR’s reaction to restive satellites in the 1980’s
    3. Explain how Gorbachev dealt with Afghanistan
    4. Determine the causes of the final collapse of the USSR
  12. Assess the rise to power of Boris Yeltsin
    1. Tell the impact of a Duma on Russian political developments
    2. Define political changes on the Russian political system after Gorbachev
    3. Show the impact of Russia’s ethnic policy on internal unrest
    4. List how the lack of economic planning corrupted Russia
  13. Categorize the reign of Vladimir Putin
    1. Discover how Putin was elected
    2. Dissect how Putin used political power to gain economic stabilization
    3. Compare the Medvedev interlude to Putin’s first terms
    4. Examine how Putin retains political power
    5. Categorize the freedoms for various ethnic, religious and social groups in Russia today

Competencies Revised Date: AY 2022

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