Feb 11, 2025
CON 615 - Technical Internship I Credits: 5 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 20 Course Type: Voc/Tech The student will work with a participating employer. The work will be full-time, approximately 40 hours per week. The tasks will be consistent with the student’s ability and previous coursework. A task list will be issued to the employer. Competencies
- Demonstrate acceptable employee attendance habits
- Attend regularly
- Demonstrate job punctuality
- Provide employer a responsible and productive employee
- Demonstrate a positive attitude to work
- Apply yourself when working
- Show employee dependability
- Display quality work
- Exhibit good judgment
- Present ability to learn
- Reveal initiative
- Illustrate work relations with others
- Complete internship weekly work reports
- Log daily work
- Return work reports to the internship instructor by mail or in person
- Demonstrate ability to remedy safety hazards
- Wear appropriate safety gear
- Identify potential hazards
- Construct footing forms
- Choose type of foundation
- Set footings
- Construct wall forms
- Measure area of wall
- Lay out corner positions
- Build floor system
- Square the sill plate layout on the foundation
- Install floor joists
- Construct wall system
- Calculate amount of materials needed
- Review local building codes
- Construct ceiling system
- Determine layout
- Cut studs to desired dimensions
- Build rafter system
- Cut rafter parts
- Assemble rafters
- Place roof sheathing
- Check for level nailing surface
- Provide roof ventilation
- Fasten panels
Competencies Revised Date: 2019
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