Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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CON 615 - Technical Internship I

Credits: 5
Lecture Hours: 0
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 20
Course Type: Voc/Tech
The student will work with a participating employer. The work will be full-time, approximately 40 hours per week. The tasks will be consistent with the student’s ability and previous coursework. A task list will be issued to the employer.
  1. Demonstrate acceptable employee attendance habits
    1. Attend regularly
    2. Demonstrate job punctuality
  2. Provide employer a responsible and productive employee
    1. Demonstrate a positive attitude to work
    2. Apply yourself when working
    3. Show employee dependability
    4. Display quality work
    5. Exhibit good judgment
    6. Present ability to learn
    7. Reveal initiative
    8. Illustrate work relations with others
  3. Complete internship weekly work reports
    1. Log daily work
    2. Return work reports to the internship instructor by mail or in person
  4. Demonstrate ability to remedy safety hazards
    1. Wear appropriate safety gear
    2. Identify potential hazards
  5. Construct footing forms
    1. Choose type of foundation
    2. Set footings
  6. Construct wall forms
    1. Measure area of wall
    2. Lay out corner positions
  7. Build floor system
    1. Square the sill plate layout on the foundation
    2. Install floor joists
  8. Construct wall system
    1. Calculate amount of materials needed
    2. Review local building codes
  9. Construct ceiling system
    1. Determine layout
    2. Cut studs to desired dimensions
  10. Build rafter system
    1. Cut rafter parts
    2. Assemble rafters
  11. Place roof sheathing
    1. Check for level nailing surface
    2. Provide roof ventilation
    3. Fasten panels

Competencies Revised Date: 2019

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