Mar 14, 2025
JOU 124 - Digital Media Production Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: General An introduction to publishing online using digital equipment and software. An emphasis will be placed on journalistic style using writing, photography, video, and audio. May be repeated for an additional three semesters for a total of 12 elective credit hours. Competencies
- Understand how the Internet has changed journalism
- Explain the differences between traditional and digital media
- Define CMS (Content Management System)
- Identify what medium (text, video, photos, audio, slideshow with narration) will best represent a particular story
- Describe what makes something newsworthy
- Explain the steps involved when creating a news story
- Describe digital media tools including blogging, microblogging, podcasting, videos and photography
- Describe social media
- Describe crowdsourcing
- Recognize how analytics allows websites to track audiences
- Use a smartphone or tablet as a mobile news-gathering tool
- Understand the difference between using a smartphone or tablet and professional-level equipment
- Record audio with a smartphone or tablet
- Take photographs with a smartphone or tablet
- Record video with a smartphone or tablet
- Demonstrate how to create a news story for publication online
- Understand the different contemporary content publishing platforms, including social media
- Show how to create a post for text, photographs, video, podcasts and multimedia slideshows
- Write, edit, and transfer text
- Identify how to organize and categorize content online
- Understand source selection
- Conduct an interview
- Write a lead
- Attribute information and quotes
- Describe alternative news story structures
- Demonstrate how to take a news photograph
- Define photojournalism
- Show how to use a DSLR and transfer the images to a computer
- Adjust exposure, color and crop in Photoshop
- Understand resolution and how to save an image for the Web
- Publish and tag a photo on social media
- Produce a news video
- Identify equipment needed to capture quality audio and video
- Frame an interview shot
- Conduct a video interview using professional practices
- Compose a video script
- Use video editing software to edit a story and add narration
- Post the video online
- Produce a podcast
- Define the elements of a podcast
- Record audio
- Evaluate audio production quality
- Edit digital audio
- Upload finished podcast to a feed
- Promote the podcast via social media
- Create a multimedia slideshow
- Select the tools available to produce a multimedia slideshow
- Write an audio script
- Complete all steps to combine photos and other media with narration
- Post the multimedia slideshow online
- Analyze the legal issues involved with digital publishing
- Summarize the First Amendment
- Explain copyright law as it applies to journalism and online content
- Explain libel
- Differentiate the legalities of photographing and recording in public and private spaces
- Analyze the ethical issues involved with digital publishing
- Define plagiarism
- Discuss journalistic ethical codes
- Evaluate ethical standards in photojournalism
- Act honestly, fairly and objectively
- Explain how to manage online comments
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