Feb 04, 2025
CRC 275 - Internship Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 4 Course Type: Voc/Tech Internships are arranged by the instructor and will include a minimum of 40 hours of actual writing time. Students are mentored by supervising freelance and official reporters. Students will be required to produce transcripts from their experiences consistent with NCRA-approved program requirements. Transcripts are for grading purposes only and are not to be sold. Students do not serve in the capacity of an actual reporter during internship. Coursework for the class includes resume and application letter preparation, job-seeking skills, review of the Code of Professional Ethics, income tax and financial planning information for the reporter, a review of realtime reporting literature, and oral and written reports of the internship experience. Students also practice research skills using both print media and the Internet. Prerequisite: CRC 220 , CRC 223 and CRC 230 Prerequisite OR Corequisite: CRC 250 and CRC 253 Competencies
- Prepare, using computer-aided transcription software, two complete 20-page transcripts.
- Develop title page, index, certificate files, and parentheticals as outlined in NCRA CASE guidelines.
- Use correct grammar
- Produce files as requested.
- Create ASCII disk/PDF files.
- Produce a daily diary (to be signed by the respective supervising reporter) which details the activities participated in while training under the guidance of his/her supervising reporter.
- Create verification forms which details writing hours for the weeks. Together the two verification forms should detail participating in a minimum of 40-hours of actual writing time. Verification forms must be signed by the supervising reporters.
- Demonstrate knowledge of professional ethics, including receiving the NCRA Code of Professional Ethics.
- Participate in group discussions about the Code.
- Determine whether a given action violates the Code.
- Demonstrate a familiarity with current events.
- Read daily newspapers and watch daily news programs.
- Complete a current events log each week.
- Read and transcribe legal citations.
- Evaluate realtime professions and job opportunities.
- Evaluate the internship experiences by reporting to classmates about the experiences.
- Demonstrate knowledge of and involvement in professional associations and the importance of continuing education and lifelong learning.
- Understand importance of professional image and dress.
- Participate in class discussions, read assigned articles, and watch assigned videos covering the topic of professional image/dress.
- Dress professionally while shadowing.
- Display a professional attitude by actively participating in learning and meeting all deadlines.
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