Feb 04, 2025
CRC 130 - Machine Shorthand Theory II Credits: 6 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 6 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Students build on skills gained in CRC100, learning advanced steno theory concepts including homonym differentiation, strokes for realtime punctuation and capitalization, question and answer designations, and skills for writing complex number configurations. Writing fluency continues to be a focus as students practice at speeds ranging from 50-100 words per minute. Students read back from steno notes daily, and weekly testing from unfamiliar material is done at increasing speeds ranging from 50-100 words per minute. Prerequisite: CRC 100 Corequisite: CRC 132 ,C RC 165, CRC 195 Competencies
- Demonstrate advanced steno keyboard mastery.
- Use correct finger placements for advanced sounds.
- Move fluidly between right hand, left hand, vowel keys, and number bar.
- Write advanced realtime shorthand theory principles.
- Attend to the speaker.
- Distinguish sounds heard.
- Understand theory principles.
- Practice each principle until automatic.
- Utilize distinct strokes for homonyms.
- Memorize steno outlines for common homonym pairs and triplets.
- Identify correct English homonym choice.
- Select homonym strokes when writing realtime.
- Write complex number configurations.
- Understand number writing concepts for money, fractions, decimals, Roman numerals, and clarifying large numbers.
- Demonstrate strokes for writing money, common fractions, decimals, roman numerals when writing realtime.
- Use realtime punctuation, capitalization, and basic speaker designation strokes.
- Memorize strokes for semicolon, dash, quotations marks, question and answer designations.
- Utilize strokes when writing realtime.
- Read back orally from the steno notes.
- Locate requested portion of notes.
- Recognize correct theory strokes.
- Recite correctly stroked theory.
- Identify incorrect steno strokes.
- Recognize intended strokes.
- Write 3.0 minutes of unfamiliar material dictated at 90 words per minute.
- Maintain focused attention.
- Reproduce in steno the sounds heard.
- Use fluid stroking.
- Include realtime puncuation and speaker designation strokes.
- Transcribe advanced realtime shorthand principles on theory quizzes.
- Locate requested portion of shorthand notes.
- Recall theory patterns.
- Use reference materials to verify spellings.
- Demonstrate accuracy in transcribing advanced theory principles.
- Transcribe 3.0 minutes of unfamiliar material dictated at 90 words per minute.
- Print realtime steno notes.
- Recall theory patterns.
- Use reference materials for spelling and punctuation.
- Demonstrate 95% accuracy in transcription.
- Write required one-stroke high-frequency words and phrases.
- Attend to the speaker.
- Recognize high-frequency words and phrases when heard.
- Recall correct strokes.
- Demonstrate accurate fingering.
- Connect for realtime practice without prompts.
- Connect cables.
- Open software.
- Name a realtime file.
- Write a recorded practice to test connection.
- Delete files from the writer without prompts.
- Locate requested files in the steno machine memory.
- Delete files from the steno machine memory.
- Locate transcription files on the computer.
- Delete the transcription files.
- Empty the recycle bin.
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