Feb 04, 2025
SPC 170 - Professional Communication Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: General Communication theory applied to organizational settings in such forms as interviewing, group work, conflict resolution, and public, impromptu and ceremonial speaking. Topics: organizational perspectives, leadership, power, intercultural diversity, nonverbal communication and perception. Prerequisite: SPC 101 or SPC 122 or instructor permission Competencies
- Describe the functions of communication in an organization
- Identify the functions of organizational communication
- Identify examples of each function of organizational communication
- Suggest situations when each function would be used
- Describe the relationship between organizational culture and organizational communication
- Define organizational culture
- Identify ways in which organizational culture is revealed
- Explain the role of communication in shaping and preserving organizational culture
- Use organizational culture theory to describe the culture of an organization with which the student has been associated
- Explain the impact of hierarchical characteristics on organization communication
- Identify and define hierarchical characteristics: e.g., tallness/flatness, chain of command, unity of command, span of control
- List advantages and disadvantages of each hierarchical characteristic on organizational communication
- Identify factors that help determine optimal organizational structure
- Explain the roles of upward, downward, and horizontal communication in an organization
- Explain the purpose of these forms of communication
- Recognize problems associated with these forms of communication
- Give suggestions for improving each area of communication
- Describe perceptual problems and their impact in the workplace
- Define the following perceptual problems: perceptual sets, implicit personality theory, leniency effect, and halo effect
- Summarize research findings on differences in workplace perception between workers and their supervisors
- Make suggestions for avoiding perceptual problems
- Identify areas of nonverbal communication and apply that knowledge to the workplace
- Define nonverbal communication
- Identify and give examples of the following nonverbal codes: environmental, temporal, and person-oriented
- Recognize effects of nonverbal influences
- Describe the student’s own nonverbal messages
- Use knowledge of nonverbal to plan a work area in the student’s chosen field
- Describe cultural differences in communication as they occur in business situations
- Identify cultural differences in nonverbal perception and meaning
- Identify cultural differences in verbal communication
- Explain organizational leadership functions and perspectives
- Identify the four leadership schools of thought: Scientific, Human Relations, Contingency, Systems
- Describe leadership styles: authoritarian, democratic, personalized, depersonalized
- Distinguish between visionary and reactionary leadership
- List several functions of organizational leadership
- Apply leadership principles to cases
- Develop effective managerial communication skills
- Explain several managerial skills: e.g., personalized language, use of power, supportive climate, problem solving
- Demonstrate managerial skills in case situations
- Use interviewing techniques to gain information.
- Define several types of questions: e.g., open, direct, closed, yes/no, leading
- Plan an informative interview.
- Conduct or evaluate an informative interview
- Describe the roles of the interviewer and interviewee in employment interviews
- Give suggestions for preparation, participation, and follow-up of an employment interview
- Participate in mock interviews
- Use leadership behaviors in discussion groups
- Describe several group leadership behaviors
- Identify negative group behavior
- Demonstrate leadership behaviors in a group discussion
- Demonstrate teamwork within a discussion group.
- Apply the Reflective Thinking Process to group problem solving
- List and explain the steps of the Reflective Thinking Process.
- Use the Reflective Thinking Process in a problem-solving discussion
- Analyze audiences and situational factors for professional speakin
- Identify demographic traits
- Identify situational factors
- Prepare an audience analysis for a professional speech presentation
- Use sound research and organizational skills in preparing professional speeches.
- Identify several sources of information
- Identify informative and persuasive organizational patterns
- Arrange research material into an appropriate structure for a professional presentation
- Demonstrate effective delivery skills for professional speaking
- Define several methods of speech delivery: e.g., extemporaneous, manuscript, impromptu
- Use an extemporaneous style of delivery in the presentation of speeches
- Describe and demonstrate the vocal, visual, and emotional aspects of delivery.
- Speak effectively in impromptu situations
- Describe the thought process for impromptu speaking
- Identify time-frames for preparing for impromptu situations.
- Delivery impromptu speeches
- Speak effectively in ceremonial and courtesy speeches: introduction, presentation, acceptance, and welcome
- List elements required in each form of speech
- Prepare and present an introduction using the climactic order of presentatio
- Prepare and present at least one other ceremonial speech
- Evaluate speech presentations
- Describe areas of speech evaluation for both content and delivery
- Critique presentations of speakers.
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