Feb 04, 2025
RCP 500 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy Credits: 5 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech In this course, students obtain knowledge for the treatment of critically ill patients. Students practice techniques of initiating, monitoring, maintenance and discontinuing mechanical ventilation. Prerequisite: RCP 360 and RCP 401 Competencies
- Discuss the principles of mechanical ventilation.
- Define and explain the clinical significance of airways resistance, static compliance and dynamic compliance.
- Explain how to measure pulmonary compliance and airway resistance, plateau pressure and auto PEEP.
- Describe the clinical application of pressure-volume slope.
- Describe the clinic application of the PIP-plat pressure gradient.
- Define the causes leading to ventilator failure
- Define the causes leading to oxygenation failure.
- Explain how mechanical ventilators are classified.
- List risks associated with intubation and mechanical ventilation.
- Summarize modes of mechanical ventilation.
- Classify modes of mechanical ventilation.
- Differentiate between spontaneous modes of ventilation.
- Differentiate between invasive modes of ventilation.
- Describe characteristics of volume ventilation.
- Describe characteristics of pressure ventilation.
- Facilitate noninvasive and invasive airway management.
- Explain proper positioning of a patient for airway patency.
- List the criteria for intubation.
- Determine factors that may lead to a difficult intubation.
- List the essential equipment needed for intubation.
- Explain initiation and modification of video laryngoscopy.
- Describe the methods of assessment for confirmation of endotracheal tube placement.
- Explain the management of cuff pressure on an endotracheal tube.
- Describe the assessment for extubation readiness and explain the extubation procedure.
- Troubleshoot artificial airways and intubation equipment.
- Demonstrate intubation and extubation.
- Initiate NIPPV.
- Assemble and troubleshoot CPAP/NiPPV with patient interfaces.
- Analyze the initiation of mechanical ventilation.
- Initiate and adjust invasive mechanical ventilation.
- Differentiate between hypoxemic respiratory failure and hypercapnic respiratory failure.
- Identify the goals of mechanical ventilation.
- Select initial settings for volume and pressure-targeted mechanical ventilation.
- Differentiate abnormal values from those that indicate the need for ventilatory support for relevant physiologic measurements.
- Discuss modifications to ventilator settings for special conditions.
- Critique monitoring in mechanical ventilation.
- Assess ventilation and oxygenation of a patient receiving mechanical ventilation.
- Differentiate the effects of mechanical ventilation on organ systems and how these effects are monitored.
- List indications for capnography.
- Interpret capnography waveforms or gradients and explain their significance.
- Discuss the principles of hemodynamic monitoring of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system of patients in intensive care.
- Explain how to perform hemodynamic monitoring.
- Assemble and troubleshoot hemodynamic monitoring such as pressure transducers, arterial catheters, and pulmonary artery catheter.
- State normal ranges for hemodynamic monitoring values.
- Evaluate critical care monitoring such as GCS, ICP, brain death determination, fluid balance.
- Communicate how to perform apnea monitoring and apnea testing.
- Describe waveform analysis and application.
- Identify variables in graphics and waveforms.
- Identify leaks, obstruction and air trapping.
- Identify variables in graphics and waveforms.
- Identify and describe different types of patient-ventilator asynchronies.
- Outline the management of mechanical ventilation.
- Describe strategies to improve ventilation and oxygenation such as prone positioning and lung recruitment.
- Initiate and adjust ventilator alarms.
- Discuss weaning from mechanical ventilation.
- Define success and failure for discontinuing mechanical ventilation.
- Communicate how to perform a SBT, MIP and MEP.
- Explain criteria for weaning used to evaluate patient readiness to start the weaning process such as MIP, VC, RSBI.
- Justify equipment used with mechanical ventilation.
- Perform ventilator competencies.
- Troubleshoot mechanical ventilators, patient breathing circuits and capnography.
- Describe how to perform quality control on mechanical ventilators.
- Evaluate pharmacotherapy in critical care.
- List medications used for pain management in the intensive care unit.
- List appropriate medications for light sedation and deep sedation.
- Choose agents used as first line for the treatment of hypertension.
- Identify commonly used diuretics.
- Describe antiarrhythmic agents.
- Identify various anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs.
- Compare the uses of barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
- List commonly used opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
- Recommend drug therapy for the treatment of respiratory therapy depression.
- Incorporate Advanced Cardiac Care
- List indications for ECG.
- Perform 12 lead ECG.
- Evaluate ECG results.
- Indicate which ACLS medications can be administered via ET tube.
- Compare the management of pulseless ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia with pulseless electrical activity/asystole cardia arrest.
- Suggest the most appropriate ACLS therapy given a patient case study.
- Obtain Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Certification.
Competencies Revised Date: 2020
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