Jan 12, 2025
NET 145 - Digital & Computer Elect. Lab Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 6 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech In the context of today’s computer technology, this class continues the study of digital electronic circuits, concentrating on gates, counters, registers and memory through hands-on lab experiments. Also included are lab tasks involving data communications by bus structure, parallel and serial ports and microprocessors. Competencies
- Evaluate the basic usage of the test equipment for digital circuits
- Use digital logic probes, pulsers, and oscilloscope
- Hookup circuits and test equipment
- Compare the applications of various test equipment
- Summarize the basics of applying Ohm’s law
- Define difference between AC and DC current
- Measure current, voltage and resistance in a circuit
- Analyze the operation of basic logic gates
- Construct various logic gate circuits
- Troubleshoot various logic gate circuits
- Demonstrate the characteristics of various logic gate circuits
- Summarize combinational logic circuits
- Construct combinational logic circuits
- Troubleshoot combinational logic circuits
- Evaluate flip-flop and latch circuits
- Construct flip-flop and latch circuits
- Troubleshoot flip-flop and latch circuits
- Contrast various digital circuits
- Construct encoder, decoder, counter, and multiplexer circuits using LSI circuits
- Troubleshoot encoder, decoder, counter, and multiplexer circuits
- Analyze interfacing devices
- Interface analog to digital devices
- Construct circuits with digital to analog devices
- Construct circuits with other peripheral devices
- Compare tri-state inputs and outputs
- Compare memory devices
- Test the operation of various memory devices
- Interface memory devices
- Examine microprocessors
- Identify the sections within a microprocessor
- Describe the operation of each section
- Demonstrate the operation of microprocessor programs
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