Mar 14, 2025
JOU 110 - Intro to Mass Media Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core An introduction to the history, evolution, and effects of mass media. Emphasizes print and electronic media, journalism, advertising, public relations, ethics, and technology. Competencies
- Examine the history of the mass media: print, sound recording, film, radio, television, video games, the internet, social media, and smartphones
- Outline the evolution of print and its place in the media today
- Compare how different types of electronic media evolved
- Illustrate how the internet has changed the distribution model for different types of media
- Summarize notable figures in mass media, including Philo Farnsworth, David Sarnoff, Joseph Pulitzer, Nelly Bly, Ida B. Wells, Grace Hopper, and Steve Jobs
- Appraise the contemporary status of the mass media
- Examine the functions and dysfunctions of each medium in contemporary society
- Give examples of technological and economic convergence
- Explain what it is to be media literate
- Define cultural convergence and oligopoly
- Appraise the various contemporary and enduring issues relating to the media
- Outline the ethics of journalism
- Differentiate between ethical and unethical advertising and public relations
- Explain legal issues in the media, including libel, copyright, invasion of privacy, shield laws, and the role of the FCC
- Review laws and court cases that have helped define our legal media landscape, including NY Times v. Sullivan and the Telecommunications Act of 1996
- Critique the media as a source of information
- Compare and contrast news sources
- Explain methods of propaganda
- Define media framing
- Define media bias
- Assess media effects
- Compare and contrast types of mass media research, including surveys, experiments, focus groups, and case studies
- Evaluate one’s own media usage
- Differentiate mass media theories, including Direct Effect, Cultivation, Agenda Setting, and Uses and Gratifications
- Give examples of stereotypes and their effects
- Explain how media content is produced
- Break down different jobs in the mass media
- Explain the relationship between journalism and public relations
- Summarize how the smartphone has changed media production, especially newsgathering
- Define gatekeeper
- Examine diversity in the media
- Point out how media ownership influence media content
- Review examples of diversity (and the lack thereof) in the media through history
- Discuss harmful effects of stereotypes in movies, TV, and advertising
- Compare and contrast global media models
- Point out countries that do not have freedom of the press
- Characterize media ownership in other countries such as England and China
- Make sense of the relationship between the government and the media in developing nations
Competencies Revised Date: AY 2022
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