Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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HSC 159 - ESL Prep for Healthcare Educ.

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
This course is designed for the nonnative-English-speaking student who plans to enter a healthcare-focused educational program. Students will learn career-specific professional and colloquial English to improve the receiving and sending of messages in healthcare courses, the educational practicum setting, and in the professional clinical setting. Speaking, writing and reading skills will be integrated. The course content is designed to help the student better understand cultural implications when learning about and providing health care in the United States to a diverse population.
Prerequisite: A minimum score of 94 in all areas of the ESL COMPASS Test; BIO 733  or instructor permission
  1. Compare healthcare in various countires and cultures
    1. Describe the healthcare delivery system with which the student is familiar
    2. Summarize the American healthcare delivery system
    3. Recognize areas in which personal cultural values and norms differ from those of the American healthcare system
    4. Identify the personal impact of altering personal cultural values for practice within the U.S. healthcare/educational system
  2. Examine the philosphical tenets of the American healthcare/educational system
    1. Recognize learning as a learner-centeres, active, life-long process
    2. Understand the concepts of the health promotion and wellness on the health continuum
    3. Describe the concept of Holistic Care
    4. Implement principles of professional behavior appropriate for the clinical area and classroom
  3. Demonstrate usage of health specific verbal and nonverbal communication skills including listening, speaking, writing, recording, and body language
    1. Utilize the correct pronunciations of medical language
    2. Identify culturally correct communication strategies in the health care field
    3. Identify common barriers to effective communications that are caused by inaccurate pronunciation
    4. Identify actions for addressing miscommunication in the healthcare setting
    5. Participate in academic discussions/reports using proper syntax and vocabulary
  4. Develop skill in the use of colloquial, general and professional medical english when applied to the study of Musculoskeletal system
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance of the Musculoskeletal System
  5. Develop skill in the use of colloquial general and professional medical english when applied to the study of the cardiovascular system
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance of the Cardiovascular System
  6. Develop skill in the use of colloquial general and professional medical english when applied to the study of the Respiratory system
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance of the Respiratory system
  7. Develop skill in the use of colloquial general and professional medical english when applied to the study of the Gastrointestinal system
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance of the Gastrointestinal system
  8. Develop skill in the use of colloquial general and professional medical english when applied to the study of the Neurological system
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance of the Neurological system
  9. Develop skill in the use of colloquial general and professional medical english when applied to the study of Wounds, Viral an Bacterial Infections
    1. Define key career specific terms
    2. Pronounce key career specific terms
    3. Spell key career specific terms
    4. Apply career specific language, written and oral, as related to the components, functions, treatments, interventions, and assistance related to wounds, viral and bacterial infections
  10. Explore colloquial, general and professional medical english applicable to pharmacological principles and interventions
    1. Demonstrate knowledge of terminology related to pahrmacological interventions
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of terminology related to medication administration
    3. Demonstrate how safety can be compromised by inaccurate communication
  11. Develop skills which will lead to success in a healthcare course/program and setting
    1. Discuss critical thinking as it is used in the study of implementation of health care
    2. Recognize limitations, the need for assistance and sources of academic/clinical support

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