Feb 10, 2025
GRT 455 - Digital Publishing Capstone Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This is the final course for students pursuing an emphasis in digital publishing in the Graphic Technologies A.A.S. degree program. Students work collaboratively to produce a capstone project, utilizing their skills developed in previous courses. In conjunction, students enter completed projects in a statewide professional competition and prepare both hard-copy and digital portfolios. Prerequisite: Completion of the Visual Communications diploma and Term 4 of the Graphic Technologies program Competencies
- Modify previously created projects to exemplify current knowledge and skills
- Modify to improve graphic design and layout projects as specified by the instructor
- Modify to improve digital image projects as specified by the instructor
- Create a magazine cover design for professional print production.
- Conceptualize design through thumbnail sketches and consultation.
- Execute the concept in the appropriate computer application.
- Apply skills to specified component of class project.
- Execute specified position as assigned
- Assist if the bindery production of the printed project.
- Work with a customer to complete a design project.
- Execute project in the appropriate computer application as specified by the client
- Meet with customer on a regular basis to present progress.
- Package the project for professional print production
- Output digital files to plate or film media
- Prepare postscript file of digital document.
- Operate RIP software to execute digital file output.
- Operate the imagesetter for digital output and process media.
- Assist in the planning of a portfolio showing event
- Execute specified position as assigned
- Maintain communication with team partners
- Attend portfolio at event and present portfolio
- Prepare images for professional print production
- Adjust process and spot color images in an image editing application
- Save the images in the proper color mode, file format, and resolution
- Demonstrate the ability to organize time and meet deadlines
- Participate in instructor/student progress meetings
- Maintain progress in accordance to course timeline
- Maintain personal time log of progress
- Submit time records with completed projects
- Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively with others
- Participate as a team member in collaborative project
- Attend progress meetings with other classmates
- Assist the class in completion of capstone project.
- Prepare resume for professional review
- Complete a final typewritten draft of final copy
- Complete final layout of resume
- Prepare final resume for hard copy distribution
- Prepare final resume for electronic distribution
- Prepare a portfolio for professional review
- Review final portfolio with course instructor as scheduled
- Assemble, organize and present portfolio on time and as scheduled.
- Evaluate portfolio review and make decisions for future portfolio based on review
- Prepare final portfolio for electronic distribution
- Document job search strategies.
- Prepare a written job search strategy
- Maintain a job search log.
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