Mar 11, 2025
GRT 426 - Digital Publishing III Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course is an advanced desktop publishing course for students pursuing a digital publishing emphasis in the Graphic Technologies program or the Digital Publishing certificate. Students will work primarily in Adobe InDesign to develop advanced skills in layout, text formatting and digital production for print and web. Prerequisite: GRD 415 , GRD 430 Competencies
- Generate complex page layout documents
- Create a multiple column grid layout
- Use multiple master pages within a document
- Create and use layers within a document
- Generate a mulipage booklet document
- Define and use correct color models
- Modify numbering and selection options
- Differentiate between absolute and section numbering view
- Apply advanced tasks to graphic and text frames
- Use text frame options to modify text within a frame
- Apply various effects to graphic and/or text frame
- Access embedded clipping paths and alpha channels
- Convert clipping path to a frame
- Use the alignment feature to align frames within a document
- Present design ideas to class
- Work with advanced text formatting options in a document
- Customize bullet and numbered lists
- Insert special characters and graphics in a text block
- Modify keep options within a text block
- Generate a variety of paragraph rules
- Utilize open type features
- Use story editor to modify and edit text
- Control hyphenation and justification
- Setup baseline grid to text leading specifications
- Insert and apply text variables
- Create a GREP expression style and apply to text
- Utilize a variety of tab features to format text and tables
- Format text utilizing various tab alignments
- Align tabbed text to a specific character
- Format text utilizing the leader feature
- Construct a hanging indent aligning on a character utilizing the tabs tool
- Use advanced color options within a document
- Utilize the mixed ink swatches feature to generate cuztom mixed tints
- Sample color from objects and images
- Generate a mixed ink group
- Create and apply multipe colors to a gradient swatch
- Utilize the ink manager to modify ink types
- Utilize seperations preview to identify potential production issues
- Use advanced style options for text and objects
- Create and use new paragrapg styles
- Modify and edit basic paragrapg styles
- Create and use new character styles
- Build a nested style within a paragraph style
- Redefine styles based on local formatting overrides.
- Create and use new object styles.
- Understand and use table and cell styles.
- Import styles from another document.
- Demonstrate understanding of long document formatting.
- Generate an automatic Table of Contents within a book document.
- Generate an index using the automating index palette.
- Construct a booklet from multiple InDesign documents.
- Utilize story book editor to maintain changes and edits in content.
- Utilize assignments, notes and version tracker to maintain edits and changes.
- Apply installed scripts to automated tasks
- Demonstrate understanding of variable data features.
- Create a document utilizing the mail merge feature.
- Generate variable text utilizing the data merge feature.
- Generate variable images utilizing the data merge feature.
- Generate a single record merged document.
- Generate a multiple record merged document.
- Apply installed scripts to automated tasks.
- Import and manage XML data in a document.
- Prepare documents for mass distribution
- Utilize preflight feature to identify potential production issues
- Utilize the flattener preview to identify potential production issues
- Modify and/or repair potential production issues within a document
- Differentiate between PDF presets and designated usage
- Generate appropriate PDF file for a specific method
- Package and supply specification information for professional print production
- Prepare documents for device distribution.
- Utilize preflight feature to identify potential production issues.
- Construct the document for specific mobile device layouts.
- Apply various interactive features for e-publishing content.
- Test publications in mobile content viewer.
- Export publication for mobile device usage.
- Identify and apply knowledge of various color schemes
- Modify a design to be a monochrome scheme
- Modify a design to be a analogous scheme
- Modify a design to be a complimentary scheme
- Modify a design to be a split complementary scheme.
- Modify a design to be a tertiary scheme
- Demonstrate the use of vector drawing application
- Import a template into Adobe Illustrator
- Create a drawing design in Adobe Illustrator
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