Feb 10, 2025
GRD 463 - Photoshop Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Adobe Photoshop is the ultimate playground for bringing out the best in your digital images and transforming them into anything you can imagine. Gain a solid foundation of basic functions to create and enhance visually dynamic images in a state-of-the- art Macintosh computer lab. Competencies
- Appraise software interface
- Examine software menu commands and panels.
- Distinguish between new and open file commands
- Identify by name and function tools contained in the toolbox.
- Interpret information displayed in software dialog boxes
- Determine software preferences to control work environment
- Enter appropriate information in document set-up dialog box
- Use Bridge to manage images.
- Explore the Bridge window
- Preview and organize digital images
- Examine image metadata.
- Determine image color mode.
- Differentiate between color modes
- Change an image’s color mode.
- Discuss the purpose of ICC color profiles in a color-managed workflow.
- Demonstrate soft proofing using appropriate ICC color profiles and printer specifications
- Determine image size
- Crop an image
- Change an image size.
- Work with camera raw images
- Examine camera raw dialog box.
- Adjust camera raw images using dialog box settings
- Work with Layers.
- Create and name layers
- Lock/unlock layers
- Hide/show layers
- Apply adjustment layers
- Edit layers
- Merge layers.
- Flatten layers
- Create layer sets
- Organize layers
- Create stamp visible layers
- Apply layer styles
- Edit layer masks.
- Copy layer styles between layers
- Create layer masks
- Edit layer masks
- Use one layer to mask another layer
- Use a layer to mask multiple layers
- Save selections as channels
- Define pixels to include in selection area using selection tools
- Save and name a selection in the channel panel
- Load a selection
- Examine RGB channels and how they contribute to the final image.
- Identify the hue, saturation and brightness components of an image.
- Explore the Hue/Saturation dialog box.
- Adjust the hue, saturation and brightness values of an image.
- Colorize an image using hue, saturation and brightness values
- Adjust the levels of an image
- Analyze the tonal range of an image using a histogram
- Manipulate the color of pixels in an image using a histogram.
- Set the shadow and highlight points of an image using a histogram.
- Adjust curves of an image
- Analyze the gird in the curves dialog box.
- Invert an image
- Change input and output values in the curves dialog box to improve the contrast of an image
- Draw a threshold curve
- Set the shadow and highlight points of an image using the grid in the curves dialog box.
- Apply filters to an image.
- Examine filter effects
- Apply filters
- Apply Smart Filters
- Creatively integrate multiple images into a composite image
- Assess suitability of images for inclusion into composite image.
- Import Smart Objects to obtain highest possible quality.
- Employ layer styles, blending modes, transparency, adjustment layers, layer stacking order and layer masks to create desired effect
- Retouch images
- Use the sponge tool to increase/decrease saturation in specific areas of an image.
- Use the cloning tools to sample pixels from a source area and replace pixels in a target area
- Use the healing brush and patch tool to match color, lighting and texture of an image area
- Work with type
- Create type
- Edit type.
- Mask images with type
- Apply special effects to type
- Demonstrate proper use of tools contained in the toolbox
- Identify blending modes
- Apply blending modes to an image
- Combine blending modes of an image.
- Digitally capture images using a flatbed scanner
- Select appropriate subject matter for images using analytical and creative thinking skills
- Control scale and resolution of image for optimum image quality.
- Save scanned image in proper file format for optimum quality
- Capture images digitally with digital camera
- Identify appropriate subject matter
- Demonstrate proper camera settings to capture desired image
- Save and captured image in proper file format for optimim quality
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