Mar 11, 2025
GRD 462 - Computer Graphics II Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Students will learn the tools and workflow necessary to create a website from the initial visual design and user interface to going live on the web. Students will use industry-standard software to create web pages, optimize images and generate HTML and JavaScript. This course includes instruction and practice creating media-rich animation and web pages with Macromedia Flash. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Competencies
- Understand the limitations and advantages of working in multi-media and the web.
- Understand the internet and its role in entertainment and commerce.
- Discuss the technical aspects of delivering text and graphics via the web and how bandwidth, hardware and software impact the user experience.
- Familiarize your self with the technical requirements of creating a website by studying the provided “Web Design Survival” and “HTML & Typography” hand outs
- Understand “best practices” workflow for creating a website
- Know how to plan for the design and user-interface of a website based on input from a client
- Discuss the current software available for site-management and the advantages and disadvantages of each package
- Understand the workflow (the way an actual website is created) from start to finish.
- Explain how workflow differs from being able to use a software package.
- Understand how a site is hosted, and the process for setting up an account with a web host provider
- Setup a file structure for accurately storing work related to a website.
- Complete projects according to written documentation
- Understand how to work within a “site” to manage files and links.
- Identify and explain the purpose of the tools and menus in the site management software
- Explain and manage memory requirements for site management software
- Know how to get online help for unfamiliar tools and procedures.
- Understand the relationship between the site window and the actual files on the hard disk
- Create and manage hyperlinks without errors
- Produce HTML files that utilize cascading style sheets to control typography globally.
- Import graphics and flash movies into designated folders within site without errors.
- Manage the various file types and formats correctly within a site
- Properly save and open site document
- Learn to use specialized software to author HTML, JavaScript, create and optimize graphics
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using authoring software to generate HTML vs. writing code by hand
- Identify and explain the purpose of the tools and menus in the authoring software.
- Know how to get online help for unfamiliar tools and procedures
- Explain and manage memory requirements for authoring software
- Produce a professional visual design and user interface.
- Understand how to import bitmap and vector graphics
- Produce efficiently sliced HTML files
- Produce JavaScript buttons with over and down states.
- Produce efficient, optimized graphics that look good and download fast
- Product HTML files that render accurately in all browsers and on all platforms.
- Proof work in browser to check for problems.
- Understand how to use animation software to author media-rich animation and navigation
- Identify and explain the purpose of the tools and menus in the authoring software
- Know how to get online help for unfamiliar tools and procedures.
- Explain and manage memory requirements for authoring software
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a 100% Flash generated site vs. a Flash/HTML hybrid site
- Produce efficiently created animation files using symbols and vector graphics
- Learn to write basic scripts to control selected aspects of your animation.
- Understand how to import bitmap and vector graphics.
- Export correctly optimized animation files to the proper folder within your website.
- Proof work in browser to check for problems
- Properly save original artwork as a native Flash file
- Use a responsible and professional lab techniques when creating websites.
- Use creative thinking skills to design the user interface and graphics.
- Spend necessary time in lab to produce quality projects.
- Complete projects by established deadlines
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