Mar 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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GEO 125 - Regional Geog of the Dev World

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core
This course systematically surveys the peoples, cultures, resources and problems of the cultural realms commonly designated as the Developed World (Anglo-America, Europe, Russia, Japan and Australia).
  1. Explore in general terms the history and philosophy of geography
    1. Define in general terms physical and cultural geography
    2. Demonstrate in general terms the interplay of the natural setting and process within the activities of the human community
  2. Assess the processes set in motion by the triple revolution (agricultural, industrial, and democratic) in creating the modern world
    1. Define agricultural revolution and its impact
    2. Define industrial revolution and its impact
    3. Define democratic revolution and its impact
  3. Compare and contrast the differing societies in world regional geography between developed countries and underdeveloped countries
    1. Assess meaning in economic, political and social terms to devel­oped country
    2. Assess meaning in economic, political and social terms to underde­veloped countries
  4. Discuss the principal physical elements of Europe’s geography
    1. Describe the differing physiographic and climatic regions including principal mountain, terrain, and river systems
    2. Analyze the impact of the physical
  5. Discuss the historical, cultural, and economic factors that have created a European identity and unity
    1. Analyze the reasons for the formation of the European Economic Community (EEC) in post-World War II
    2. Evaluate the achievements of the EEC and its future
    3. Assess the value of the EEC as a regional economic model for other world regions
  6. Discuss the resource base of Europe and its relationship to European agriculture and industry.
    1. Discuss the achievements and problems of modern European agri­culture.
    2. Discuss the achievements and problems of modern European industry
  7. Assess the current demographic situation in Europe
    1. Analyze the factors influencing low birth rates and problems of aging Europe.
    2. Examine the impact of legal and illegal immigration to Europe
  8. Formulate the division of Europe into regions
    1. List the accepted regional divisions of Europe and assign funda­mental physical and cultural characteristics to each
  9. Demonstrate map knowledge as assigned in “Map Information” handout
  10. Assess the historical, current, and economic relationships between the U.S. and Europe
    1. Explain the reasons for good relations and the reasons for friction
  11. Compare and contrast the differing development and current situation between Western and Eastern Europe
  12. Assess European concerns over environment issues.
    1. Describe environmental successes in maintaining or improving environmental quality.
    2. Describe environmental hazards and problems
  13. Explain the reasons for Europe’s overall material abundance and economic success.
    1. Identify in a conclusion the five most essential characteristics in conceptualizing Europe
  14. Discuss the principal physical elements of North American geography.
    1. Discuss key aspects of terrain, climate, soil, resources of the Appalachian Highlands, Gulf-Atlantic Costal Plains, Interior Plains, and Western Mountain regions
  15. Examine the resource base of North America
    1. List and discuss location of significant resource areas and regions.
    2. Discuss economic development associated with these regions
  16. Discuss the many parallels in terms of culture, physical geography, and economic development
    1. Explain the variety of linkages that exist between Canada and the U.S.
  17. Discuss the origins of the North American Manufacturing Belt
    1. List and discuss the natural and human resources, technologies, and transport systems and linkages that allowed for the formation of the Manufacturing Belt.
    2. Establish the geographical boundaries of the Manufacturing Belt.
    3. Explain the reasons for the decline of the Manufacturing Belt since the late 1960s
  18. Examine and discuss factors of population growth and population diversity in North America
    1. Discuss population growth in respect to regions, urban, rural, and ethnic-racial diversity
    2. Discuss the factors of immigration, legal and illegal, as it relates to growth, regional impact, and socioeconomic development
  19. Define postindustrial revolution and its economic and social impacts on individuals and regions in income, job development, tax bases, and other economic social concerns.
  20. Discuss the geographic and cultural aspects of poverty and impoverished areas or regions
    1. Analyze the causes of economic decline and slow growth
    2. Discuss the formation of governmental policies to improve econom­ic-social conditions in urban and rural North America.
  21. Discuss the importance of agriculture in North America in terms of economy, population employed, productivity, and international trade
    1. List the five greatest assets associated with North American agri­culture
    2. List the five greatest weaknesses associated with North American agriculture.
  22. Discuss the nature of environmental problems in North America
  23. List and discuss the general characteristics and perceived assets of the following regions
    1. North American Core
    2. New England-Maritime Canada
    3. French Canada.
    4. Agricultural Heartland
    5. South
    6. Southwest.
    7. Interior Periphery
    8. West Coast
  24. Explain the reasons for the overall material abundance and well-being of much of the North American population
    1. Discuss the part of above statement related to geography
    2. Discuss the reasons as to why a significant portion of the popula­tion does not share in this material well-being
  25. Identify in a conclusion the five most essential characteristics in conceptu­alizing America.
  26. Discuss the principal features of Japan’s physical geography
    1. Analyze the reasons for the differing climates between Japan’s Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean coasts
    2. Analyze the impact of Japan’s physical geography on economy (agriculture, industry, transportation), population density, settle­ment, and culture.
  27. Discuss the historical and cultural development of Japan
    1. Describe the characteristics of feudal Japan
    2. Discuss the changes brought by the Meiji Restoration
    3. Analyze the reasons for Japan’s rapid modernization and progress by 1941.
    4. Discuss the impact of American Occupation and Japan’s rapid recovery in post-war era
  28. List and describe Japan’s natural resource base
    1. Describe the principal features of Japan’s agriculture
  29. Analyze the factors which have made Japan an industrial and economic giant.
    1. Explain the importance of government, education, and corporations in Japan’s phenomenal rise to economic power.
  30. Discuss Japan’s international relations in terms of trade, finance, and culture.
    1. Analyze the diverse level of relations between Japan and the U.S.
    2. Discuss the nature of trade and foreign relations between Japan and its immediate East Asian neighbors (China, Korea, and Rus­sia).
  31. Identify in a conclusion the five most essential characteristics in conceptu­alizing Japan.
  32. Discuss the principal physical geographic features of the regions of the former Soviet Union
    1. Analyze the factors influencing climate
    2. Explain the influence of the physical geography in economic devel­opment, settlement, and population density
  33. Discuss the historical-cultural evolution of the Russian state, czarist and communist.
    1. Explain the development of the communist planned economy
    2. Discuss degree of success and failure in the communist planned economy.
  34. Analyze the resource base of the former Soviet Union, its development, and future potential.
    1. Explain the degree of success and failure of the agricultural econo­my.
    2. Explain the importance of Siberia in resource development, settle­ment, and foreign opportunities
  35. Examine the population geography of the former Soviet Union
    1. List the major ethnic groups and their regional location and concen­tration
    2. Describe the problems of regional cooperation among the peoples and “new” countries of the former Soviet Union
    3. Explain the differing rates of population growth/decline, migration, and urbanization among the differing ethnic groups
  36. Discuss the economies and future possibilities of the regions of the former Soviet Union
    1. Russian Core
    2. Uklraine
    3. Transcaucasus
    4. Central Asia
    5. Siberia and Soviet Far East
  37. Explain Russia’s greatest problems in its evolution towards a modern democratic ad market centered society
    1. Assess the contributions of the U.S., the European Community, and Japan in easing this evolution
  38. Identify in a conclusion the five most essential characteristics in conceptu­alizing Russia and its former Soviet republics
  39. Discuss the principal physical geographic features of Australia and New Zealand
    1. Describe similarities and differences in the physical geographies of Australia and New Zealand
    2. Describe the influence of the physical geography in economic development and settlement of Australia and New Zealand
  40. Discuss the historical and economic development of the “down-under” countries.
    1. Analyze the changing economic and international relations of Australia and New Zealand since 1970
  41. Discuss the current demographic situation, ethnic composition and immi­gration issues in respect to Australia and New Zealand
  42. Analyze the natural resource base of Australia and New Zealand in respect to economic development
    1. Explain the importance of agriculture in the economy of these countries.
    2. Explain the level of industrialization in these countries
    3. Describe the level of trade relations between these countries and SE and East Asia.
  43. Identify in a conclusion the five most essential characteristics in concept­ualizing Australia and New Zealand
  44. Examine and discuss parallel developments among developed countries and regions in respect to:
    1. The demographic transition
    2. Slowing economic growth
    3. Trade friction
    4. Developing trade blocs
    5. Environmental problems

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