Mar 12, 2025
FLS 181 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs I Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core This course is designed to address the needs of Hispanic/Latino students who can communicate in Spanish but need to develop their reading, writing and speaking skills in a more accelerated environment than a traditional Spanish course. It will provide students the grammatical tools they need to write effectively with respect to register of language. Students become more familiar with accentuation rules and develop improved spelling skills through grammar drills and directed composition. Prerequisite: Instructor permission Competencies
- Express events and actions in the present and past tenses and in the subjunctive mood through spoken and written activities
- Recognize verb types tenses (past, present, and future) and use endings and tenses appropriately
- Identify the appropriate verb form to indicate tense and subject.
- Use the subjunctive mood in impersonal expressions, emotional expressions, with verbs of influence and after indefinite antecedents and expressions of doubt.
- Identify and apply word types for the purpose of syllabification and accent.
- Form singular and plural forms of nouns and understand rules of pluralization and gender
- Learn spelling and syllabification rules identifying the voiced syllable and employing rules of syllabification and accentuation.
- Identify diphthongs and apply appropriately rules of accentuation and syllabification
- Construct clear, concise, correct and effective sentences and paragraphs to share information to write formal and informal letters, articles, essays, descriptions, narratives, and resumes
- Write sentences that follow basic rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and accentuation.
- Construct effective paragraphs with good topic sentences and supporting details.
- Analyze individual writings for accuracy in spelling using rules of orthography in connection to sounds, letters and accentuation.
- Apply skills of organization and employ use of transition words.
- Identify and use synonyms to avoid repetition
- Analyze and use appropriately formal and informal forms of speech and distinguish regional varieties of Spanish in written and oral form.
- Identify signs of formal and informal verb forms and determine when to use them appropriately
- Distinguish registers of writing through word choice and usage, and use distinct registers appropriately
- Identify cognates and calques and use them in appropriate contexts
- Identify words that are more regional in usage versus those that are more global.
- Read and/or listen to various passages and literary forms such as news articles, poems, short stories, and other reading passages, and analyze them appropriately.
- Distinguish between main and supporting facts and ideas in a selection through summarizing selected readings
- Show comprehension by identifying theme and supporting information and providing accurate summaries of assigned materials.
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