Mar 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog
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FLG 242 - Intermediate German II

Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core

This course builds on FLG 241 to further develop proficiency in German. Emphasis is on the continued study of authentic and representative literary and cultural texts to expand skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing with increasing complexity. Class topics center around themes of academic and social issues and use of authentic resources to strengthen awareness of the cultures of the German-speaking peoples of the world.
Prerequisite: FLG 241  or instructor permission
  1. Interpret information that is heard, read or viewed from a variety of sources, including culturally authentic messages and in informational or literary texts at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Identify main idea, flow of events and related information in various time frames and moods in informational or fictional texts
    2. Recognize idiomatic expressions and multi-word phrases on familiar topics in everyday settings
    3. Formulate more detailed answers to questions about a text
    4. Understand main idea and flow of events expressed in various time frames and moods in conversations, discussions and other sources
    5. Explain the viewpoint of an authentic source by summarizing in some detail who produced the text, when, why and for whom
    6. Analyze the sequence of events in literary texts to understand how each event led to the next
    7. Provide detailed descriptions of characters and settings in literary texts
    8. Predict the outcomes of literary texts and justify the rationale for the predictions
    9. Relate texts to self, current or historical events or world issues through discussions, journaling and/or creative representations
  2. Derive meaning from texts using listening, reading, and viewing strategies at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Understand new words, phrases, sentences or the main idea with the help of visuals and graphics that accompany texts
    2. Utilize knowledge of word families and cognates to enhance understanding
    3. Implement limited idiomatic expressions and multi-word phrases on a wider range of topics
    4. Employ background knowledge of the situation, the purpose of communication or context clues to aid comprehension
    5. Interpret gestures, intonation and tone to comprehend more detailed verbal and nonverbal messages
    6. Synthesize information about the same topic or event from multiple sources, noting important similarities and differences in the points of view they represent
  3. Interact in spoken or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings and opinions using culturally appropriate language at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Exchange information and ideas on a variety of familiar and concrete academic and social topics and some researched topics using connected sentences that may combine to form paragraphs and asking a variety of questions, often across various time frames
    2. Interact with others to meet needs in a variety of situations, sometimes involving a complication, using connected sentences and follow-up questions
    3. Explain preferences, opinions and emotions and provide advice on a variety of familiar and some concrete researched topics
    4. Provide information using knowledge of the target language and culture
    5. Use strategies such as circumlocution, self-correction, restatement, clarifying questions or observation of nonverbal cues (gestures, visuals) to help clarify meaning
  4. Negotiate meaning with requests, clarification and conversation strategies at novice-high to intermediate-low level at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Use a range of expressions to make requests and seek clarification
    2. Use strategies such as circumlocution, self-correction, restatement, clarifying questions or observation of nonverbal cues (gestures, visuals) to help clarify meaning
    3. Employ a variety of conversation strategies to steer interactions
  5. Present information, concepts and viewpoints on familiar and some unfamiliar topics at a novice-high to intermediate-low level
    1. Present personal information about life, activities and other social experiences, using a mixture of simple and compound sentences with connector words, often across various time frames and moods
    2. Use appropriate rehearsed behaviors in familiar everyday situations when using the target language
    3. State viewpoints on familiar or researched topics providing reasons to support them and using short paragraphs
    4. Defend preferences and opinions about personal, academic, professional and contemporary topics in a variety of time frames and moods
    5. Present on a variety of familiar topics and some researched topics, using paragraphs, often across time frames and moods
  6. Investigate the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied, using the target language at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Identify some typical products related to everyday familiar life in the target cultures and the student’s own culture when using the target language at the appropriate level
    2. Discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences in the target culture products to understand their perspectives
  7. Explore the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied while using the target language at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Identify some typical practices related to a wider range of contexts in everyday life in the target cultures and the student’s own culture when using the target language at the appropriate level
    2. Discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences in the target culture practices or products to understand their perspectives
  8. Explore connections between German and other disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Identify selected information and skills from other content areas in experiences related to German and the target cultures
    2. Compare preferences related to daily life of people in the student’s community and people in the target cultures
    3. Transfer information and skills from other content areas to experiences related to the target language and its culture(s)
    4. Identify global competency skills, relating them to possible career pathways and demonstrating how having global competency skills enables people to build collaborative relationships with others
    5. Explore ways in which German proficiency can aid in achieving personal and professional goals
  9. Reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the target language and the student’s own language at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Recognize common idiomatic expressions and phrases that cannot be directly translated from German to English and vice versa
    2. Use appropriate idiomatic expressions and phrases in limited settings
    3. Recognize how different time frames are expressed in the target language in the three modes at the appropriate level
    4. Use knowledge of sound and writing systems in the target language to refine use of accurate pronunciation and intonation
    5. Demonstrate increasingly consistent use of formal and informal language forms in the target language
  10. Experience the target language and culture(s) and share information and personal reactions with others at intermediate-low to intermediate-mid level
    1. Use media to experience language and culture in authentic contexts
    2. Discuss more complex texts and videos from the target culture
    3. Participate in a variety of cross-cultural activities and target culture events
    4. Investigate institutions, contemporary and historical figures, contributions and time periods of the target culture(s)
    5. Develop skills necessary to communicate with others from the target culture at a conversational level in familiar everyday situations showing increasing cultural awareness
    6. Develop an understanding that people in other cultures might view aspects of U.S. mainstream culture differently than the majority of U.S. residents view them
    7. Recognize that learning about cultural perspectives contributes to a mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship, and improved community connections



Competencies Revised Date: AY2025

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