Mar 12, 2025
FLC 142 - Elementary Chinese II Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core Continued practice of the four basic skills and grammar analysis. Introduction of short prose selections with conversational emphasis. Prerequisite: FLC 141 or instructor permission Competencies
- Demonstrate ability to get into, through and out of typical cultural situations.
- Make simple oral inquires
- Get people to restate things more simply or slowly
- Complain and refuse politely
- Give more extended personal information
- Attend to the welfare of people in the target language with culturally appropriate responses.
- Express physical discomfort and needs, and describe medical needs in very simple terms (i.e., hunger, fatigue, illness).
- Request help in attending to needs and/or uncertainties.
- Buy items in a street market or various stores.
- Cash a check and change money
- Interact socially in an appropriate manner.
- Use a variety of appropriate greeting/leave-taking and social formulas
- Discuss, in written form, the meaning of a short essay on personal or cultural topics.
- Produce, in written form, a paragraph describing the known and concrete environment.
- Begin and maintain a conversation about simple, everyday experiences or relate a personal experience
- Interpret correctly, in written or oral form, a conversation or situation presented in the target language
- Translate selected passages in the target language to English, in oral and written form
- Translate selected English sentences into their target language equivalents, both orally and in writing
- Respond appropriately in the target language to ?situations? described in English.
- Performa a character role in the target language
- Memorize a scripted role
- Play the role in a skit or dramatic production
- Create speech in the target language to play a role in a skit following cues or general character sketches (not memorized speech)
- Converse with a classmate or the instructor in the target language on selected topics in semi-structured settings, where certain grammar forms and vocabulary are stressed.
- Generate correct grammatical structures, orally and in writing.
- Identify correct usage of tenses in addition to the present.
- Produce correct compound and complex sentences
- Discuss, in a limited way in the target language and more fully in English, selected aspects of the focus area’s culture
- Demonstrate academic self-discipline
- Meet assigned deadlines
- Attend class regularly
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