Mar 12, 2025
EGT 420 - PLTW-Digital Electronics Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Adjunct This course teaches applied logic through work with electronic circuitry, which students also construct and test for functionality. Competencies
- Understand the fundamentals of electronics.
- Identify hazards in the lab and know locations of the safety equipment and how to use it.
- Demonstrate understanding of the causes and the dangers from electric shock and explain methods to prevent it.
- Understand that the process of designing and electronic circuit takes into account many facotrs, including envrionmental concerns, and will be familiar with precautionary measures.
- Explain the relationshjip of quantum energy required to strip away electrons from atoms to being classified as an insulator or conductor.
- Label the parts of the atom.
- Define and explain the difference between direct and laternating currents.
- Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws to closed loops.
- Re-write any number using conventional prefix.
- Illustrate the material makeup of resistors and how they are used in circuit design.
- Describe and label the symbols associated with resistors.
- Correctly setup lab equipment to measure resistor values in order to compare measured and rated values.
- Calculate the tolerance levels of various resistors to determine if the measured value is within specifications.
- Draw and label the parts of a simple circuit.
- Build and test a variety of series and parallel circuits, using simulation software, and protoboards, to prove the accuracy of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws.
- Correctly select and utilize electrical meters to determine voltage, resistance and current in simple circuits.
- Calculate the resistance, current and voltage in a circuit using Ohm’s Law.
- Describe the component parts of a capacitor and describe how a capacitor holds a static charge.
- Use and understand the units of measurement for capacitors.
- Calculate the value of capacitors mathematically and through the use of instrumentation.
- List the different types of capacitors and their voltage polarity requirements.
- Draw a digital waveform and identify the anatomy of the waveform.
- Differentiate between digital and analog signals when given the waveforms.
- Wire and test a free-running clock circuits using a 555 timer.
- Calculate the ouput frequency of a clock circuits using observations and the oscilloscope.
- Apply number systems.
- Demonstrate the understanding of numerical place value.
- Use mathematical symbols to represent different bases and will communicate concepts using different number systems.
- Demonstrate the relationship of binary and hexadecimal to bits and bytes of information used in computers.
- Convert values from one number system to another.
- Understand digital gates.
- Use schematics and symbolic Algebra to represent digital gates in the creation of solutions to design problems.
- Identify the names, symbol and function and create the truth table, and Boolean Expression for the basic logic gates through research and experimentation.
- Apply logic to design, and create, using gates some solutions to a problem
- Apply the use of Boolean Algebra including logic simplifications and functions.
- Recognize and describe the relationship between the Boolean expression, logic diagram, and truth table.
- Create boolean Expressions, logic circuit diagrams or truth tables from information provided in the solution of design problems.
- Appropriately sselect the sum-of-products or the product-of-sums form of a Boolean Expression to sue in the solution of a problem.
- Apply the rules of Boolean Algebra to logic diagrams and truth tables to minimize the circuit size necessary to solve a design problem.
- Use DeMorgan’s Theorem to simplify a negated expression and to convert a SOP to a POS and visa versa in order to save resources in the production of circuits.
- Formulate and employ a Karnaugh Map to reduce Boolean expressions and logic circuits to their simplest forms.
- Create circuits to solve a problem using NAND and NOR gates to replicate all logic functions.
- Apply the understanding of the workings of NOR and NAND gates to make comparisons with standard combinational logic solutions to determine amount of resource reduction.
- Apply the use of circuit design.
- Restate and simplify a digital design problem as part of the systematic approach to solving a problem.
- Design, construct, build, troubleshoot, and evaluate a solution to a design problem.
- Present a professional oral report presenting a solution and evaluation of a design problem of their choice.
- Discover the code to create numbers on a seven segment display by experimentaiton.
- Design a circuit to control a seven segment display with a decimal to BCD encoder and a display driver.
- Control the flow of data by utilizing Multiplexers and De-multiplexers.
- Design and implement combinational logic circuits using reprogrammable logic devices.
- Create PLD logic files that define combinational circuit designs using Boolean Expressions.
- Understand and use logic compiler software to create JEDEC files for programming PLDs.
- Recognize the use of adding as it relates to electronics.
- Demonstrate understanding of binary addition and subtraction by designing circuits to produce correct answers.
- Create and prove the truth table for both half and full adders.
- Design, construct and test adder circuits using both discrete gates and MSI gates.
- Use flip-flops in circuits.
- Construct and test simple latches and flip-flops from discrete gates.
- Interpret, design, draw and evaluate circuits using the logic symbols for latches and flip-flops.
- Interpret waveform diagrams from circuits they construct and compare them with combinational waveforms.
- Compare and contrast operation of synchronous with asynchronous flip-flop circuits they construct.
- Create and interpret timing diagrams and truth tables for J-K Flip-Flops.
- Understand the different types of triggers used by latches and flip-flops and select the appropriate one for the circuits they design.
- Analyze timing diagrams that reflect triggering to identify distinguishing characteristics.
- Conduct experiments with clock pulse width to determine the effect on the accuracy of data transmission.
- Assemble circuits and compile inforamtion about the various applications of flip-flops.
- Demonstrate the use of shift registers and counters.
- Conduct experiments to determine the basic principles of how shift registers work.
- Evaluate the use of shift registers in product design and the speeds at which those products run.
- Create a circuit using discrete flip-flops to discover the operation and characteristics of asynchronous Mod counters using discrete gates to solve a problem.
- Design, simulate, build and test Mod counters using discrete gates in the solution to a design problem.
- Design, simulate, buld and test asynchronous Mod counters using an integrated counter chip (MSI).
- Design, simulate, buld and test synchronous Mod counters using discrete gates to solve a problem.
- Design, simulate, buld and test synchronous Mod counters using an integrated counter chip in the solution to a design problem.
- Demonstrate an awareness of families and specifications.
- Interpret the graphs, charts and written materials contained in a data sheet and apply it to a design problem.
- Correctly setup and use an oscilloscope to observe and measure propagation delay in a digital circuit.
- Define, calcualte, and measure noise margin, drive capabilities, fan-out and propagation delay.
- List safety precautions for handling CMOS chips.
- Identify attributes of microprocessors.
- Formulate a flow chart to correctly apply basic programming concepts in the planning of a project.
- Design and create a program, using correct syntax, to evaluate data and make decisions based on information gathered from the environment using external digital and analog sensors.
- Create an interface to allow them to inspect, evaluate and manage program parameters in the microprocessor during the operation of a program.
- Design and create a program in correct syntax allowing a microprocessor to evaluate external data in order to operate motors and other devices to control the external environment.
- Appropriately select, size, and implement interface devices to control external devices.
- Design and create programming to control the position of stepper motors.
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