Feb 15, 2025
DHY 221 - Dental Materials Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open A study of materials utilized in the practice of dentistry. Properties of dental materials and ADA requirements are presented. Corequisite: DEA 256 and DEA 424 or DHY 114 and DHY 223 must be taken concurrently or prior to this course Competencies
- Formulate the reasons a dental assistant/dental hygienist should be knowledgeable in the science of dental materials.
- Generate the rationale for studying dental materials
- Rank the standards for dental materials
- Organize the classifications of dental materials
- Compare and contrast the classifications of dental caries and restorations
- Categorize Physical, Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Properties in relation to the oral cavity.
- Compare and contrast the difference between physical, chemical, electrical and mechanical properties and the properties of each.
- Interpret how these properties may alter a restoration.
- Compare and contrast the use of Preventative materials including whitening agents, sealants, mouth protectors, and fluorides.
- Organize tooth whitening agents and assess the processes of use.
- Interpret the purpose, procedure, and efficacy of dental sealants.
- Rewrite the purpose of mouth protectors and organize the types used.
- Categorize the components in fluoride gels, rinses and varnishes and defend their uses.
- Generate the characteristics and uses of dental amalgam.
- Evaluate the types of silver alloy available for amalgam, in terms of content, particle shape and explain the clinical consequences of using different alloy types.
- Compose the factors that affect handling and performance of amalgam.
- Critique the physical properties and how those factors determine the life of a restoration.
- Assess mercury toxicity and proper protocol for dental personnel.
- Organize the composition, properties and application of direct esthetic restorations including:
- Categorize the uses, components, and factors affecting the placement of composites.
- Categorize the uses, components and factors affecting the placement of glass ionomers.
- Rewrite the steps for placement of a direct polymeric restoration.
- Formulate the Adhesive materials used with amalgam and direct polymeric restorations.
- Categorize the uses and properties of adhesives for each type of restoration.
- Compare and contrast the differences of the microanatomy of enamel and of dental regarding etching and bonding.
- Formulate the properties and uses of finishing, polishing, and cleansing agents.
- Assess the different types of polishing and the abrasives used.
- Rank the factors affecting abrasion and polishing.
- Generate uses, contraindications, and components in polishing agents and dentifrices.
- Compose the function of different categories of impression materials including:
- Assess the difference between direct and indirect restorative procedures.
- Organize the different uses and composition of impression materials.
- Compare and contrast the difference between reversible and irreversible impression materials and advantages/disadvantages of each.
- Critique infection control of the impression in relation to dental personnel.
- Organize the characteristics and uses of gypsum materials.
- Compare and contrast properties related to each type of gypsum material and why they are important.
- Design the general procedure for producing a quality gypsum product.
- Prove the chemical formulation that produces a gypsum material.
- Critique the procedure for a quality study model.
- Compare and contrast the properties and uses of waxes.
- Categorize the difference between pattern waxes and processing waxes.
- Organize the properties of waxes.
- Rewrite the properties and uses of casting alloys, wrought alloys and solders.
- Compare and contrast the composition of various metals used and support why they are important.
- Generate the steps needed to achieve the casting process for an indirect restoration.
- Categorize the different types of indirect restorations and argue the advantages or disadvantages of each.
- Organize the different types of metals and classifications of each.
- Compare and contrast the properties and uses of acrylic resins in removable prostheses and provisional restorations.
- Formulate polymerization.
- Organize the steps in the construction of a removable prosthesis.
- Structure the fabrication of a provision restoration.
- Compare and contrast the components and uses of cements, bases, cavity liners and varnishes.
- Organize the properties and function of each type of cement, base, liner and varnish.
- Predict the manipulation and chemical reactions of each type of cement, base, liner and varnish
- Categorize the different cements, base, liner or varnish used in reference to the type of restoration being placed.
- Compare and contrast the indications and contraindications for dental implants and the various types used.
- Categorize the materials used for implants.
- Critique the stages of osseointegration.
- Formulate the proper care of a dental implant by dental personnel and the patient.
- Compare and contrast the different types of sutures.
- Categorize the classification of suture materials.
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