Feb 16, 2025
GEO 111 - Intro to Geography Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core This course utilizes the basic concepts of cultural geography (area, landscape, ecology, diffusion and integration) in a systematic examination of the contemporary world. The course is intended to provide an elementary acquaintance with the field of geography. Competencies
- Identify the elements of geography.
- Define geography as a discipline and current application and approaches.
- Define cartography and discuss how maps are used to convey geographic information.
- Specify the basic geographic perspectives of location, mapping, and distribution.
- Distinguish between physical and cultural geography.
- Distinguish the uses of geographic technology.
- Analyze the various perspectives of population growth and distribution.
- Define demographic transformation.
- Discuss world population distribution.
- Discuss causes of differing population growth rates.
- Define “over-population.”
- Discuss selected population policies.
- Analyze causes and effects of migration.
- Define “push and pull” factors relative to politics, economics, and environment.
- Examine the current situation of legal and illegal international migration.
- Examine causes of internal migration.
- Analyze the elements of folk and popular culture.
- Determine where cultures originate and diffuse.
- Distinguish between cluster and distribution of folk and popular cultures.
- Examine effects of globalization on popular culture.
- Analyze the elements of language geography.
- Define the characteristics of language.
- Distinguish between language and dialect.
- Examine the origin and diffusion of language families.
- Explain the global dominance of English and preservation of local languages.
- Analyze the geography of religion.
- Define the characteristics of religion.
- Distinguish between universalizing and ethnic religions.
- Explain the distribution of universalizing religions.
- Discuss the impact of religion on the cultural landscape.
- Examine territorial conflicts caused by religion.
- Analyze the geography of ethnicity.
- Define the characteristics of ethnicity and race.
- Describe the distribution of ethnic groups in the U.S.
- Examine the importance of where ethnicities and nationalities have historic importance.
- Explain the dynamics of ethnic interactions.
- Analyze the elements of political geography.
- Distinguish between a state and a nation.
- Discuss the historical evolution of the concept of state and imperialism.
- Discuss the relationship of geography and state power.
- Discuss the changing nature of state boundaries and shapes.
- Explain the growth of terrorism.
- Analyze the elements of economic geography.
- Discuss elements in measuring economic development.
- Explain the relationship of social and demographic characteristics in economic development.
- Explain the economic disparity of development globally and within a region.
- Discuss strategies used in seeking to bring economic development to countries or regions.
- Discuss strategies used in seeking to bring economic development to countries or regions.
- Analyze the elements of agricultural geography.
- Explain the origins and diffusion of agriculture.
- Discuss the principal varieties of agriculture.
- Discuss the differences in agriculture between developed and developing countries.
- Explain the impact of agriculture on the environment.
- Evaluate the impact of the green revolution.
- Analyze the elements of industrial geography.
- Explain the origins and diffusion of industry and industrialization.
- Discuss the worldwide distribution of industrial societies.
- Discuss the variety of industries among developed and developing areas.
- Analyze the elements of service geography.
- Discuss types of services.
- Discuss the elements of location.
- Explain the theory and application of central place.
- Explain the effects of technology on services.
- Analyze the elements of urban geography.
- Discuss the evolution of the modern city.
- Describe the utility of models in explaining urban development.
- Evaluate the growth of a global urbanized world.
- Analyze modern resource problems.
- Describe how fossil fuels are being depleted.
- Examine the distribution of natural resources.
- Discuss the conservation of and competition for natural resources.
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