Mar 14, 2025
EMS 474 - Patient Assessment Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course covers Module III of the DOT National Standard Curriculum for EMT Paramedics. This course includes history-taking, techniques of physical examination, patient assessment and clinical decision-making. Students will learn to follow an accepted format for dissemination of patient information in verbal form, either in person or over the radio. Documentation of the essential elements of patient assessment, care and transport is covered. Prerequisite: EMS 466 Competencies
- Assess a history on a patient.
- Obtain a medical history from a patient.
- Differentiate the pathological significance of history exam findings.
- Use the SAMPLE approach to obtain a patient history.
- Perform a comprehensive physical exam on any patient.
- Differentiate the pathophysiological significance of physical exam findings.
- Integrate the principles of history taking to the physical exam.
- Integrate the techniques of physical exam to perform a patient assessment.
- Apply a process of clinical decision making to form a field impression.
- Communicate patient assessment findings to others.
- Follow an accepted format for dissemination of patient information in person.
- Follow an accepted format for dissemination of patient information over the radio.
- Formulate a field impression of the trauma patient.
- Integrate the principles of kinematics to enhance the patient assessment.
- Predict the likelihood of injuries based on the patient’s mechanism of injury.
- Examine the prevalence and significance of trauma.
- Identify prevalence of trauma.
- Determine the number of trauma victims every year.
- Determine the cost of trauma every year.
- Evaluate the trauma triage criteria.
- Describe green patients.
- Describe yellow patients.
- Determine criteria for red patients.
- Assess how trauma emergencies differ from medical emergencies in the scene size-up.
- Determination of scene hazards.
- Describe how kinematics assists in scene size up.
- Describe how trauma emergencies differ from medical emergencies in assessment.
- Describe how kinematics assists in patient assessment.
- Describe the differences between the conscious and unconscious patient.
- Evaluate how trauma emergencies differ from medical emergencies in pre-hospital emergency care.
- Describe differences in primary and secondary exams.
- Differentiate conscious medical and conscious trauma.
- Differentiate between unconscious medical and unconscious trauma.
- Examine the value of air transport service in patient care.
- Describe rotary craft use.
- Describe fixed wing use.
- Determine the use of transport teams in trauma care.
- Complete a comprehensive patient assessment.
- Identify life-threatening conditions.
- Develop a general impression.
- Develop a detailed and focused assessment.
- Identify factors which influence the systematic process of the physical examination.
- List factors in the environment (weather, pat accessibility).
- Identify special considerations (cultural diversity).
- Identify the use of provider’s senses when conducting a physical examination by observation/inspection, auditory-auscultation, tactile - touching/palpation and olfactory - smelling/tasting.
- Analyze assessment adjuncts utilized during physical examination.
- Use a sphygmomanometer.
- Listen through a stethoscope.
- Use a standardized scoring index - Glasgow Coma Scale.
- Demonstrate the application of physical examination techniques in multiple scenarios.
- Role play a trauma scenario.
- Role play a medical scenario.
- Demonstrate the application of physical examination techniques in various age groups.
- Perform a neonatal assessment.
- Perform a pediatric assessment.
- Perform an assessment on a geriatric patient.
- Perform an assessment on all genders.
- Document the essential elements of patient assessment.
- Document patient’s past medical history.
- Document patient’s physical exam findings.
- Document patient’s history of illness.
- Document treatment provided.
- Analyze a written EMS report.
- Determine complete documentation.
- Select accurate documentation.
- Describe reportable clinical data.
- Determine administrative information.
- Prepare a written EMS report.
- Utilize correct medical terminology.
- Utilize correct medical abbreviations.
- Document all pertinent data.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive patient assessment.
- Perform a neonatal patient assessment.
- Perform a pediatric patient assessment.
- Perform a geriatric patient assessment.
- Perform a patient assessment on all genders.
Competencies Revised Date: 2019
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