Feb 08, 2025
ACC 252 - Gov’t & Nonprofit Accounting Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: General An introduction to the accounting and reporting principles, standards and procedures applicable to federal, state and local government. Also includes nonprofit institutions such as hospitals and universities. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of “C” or above Competencies
- Appraise governmental and non-profit accounting and economic activities
- Discuss the characteristics of government and nonprofit organizations
- Relate the objectives and characteristics of government and nonprofit accounting and reporting
- Contrast profit and nonprofit accounting
- Examine the conceptual foundation underlying the accounting systems of non-profit entities
- Identify problems encountered in the recording process
- Assess financial effects
- Explain economic changes
- Assign monetary values
- Relate limitations associated with financial statements
- List the authoritative sources of accounting principles and reporting standards
- Summarize the underlying assumptions, principles and conventions of nonprofit accounting
- Interpret the accounting cycles associated with nonprofit systems
- Measure the constraints on the uses of resources
- Identify types of funds and account groups
- Record the entries for the accounting cycle for source-and-disposition funds
- Relate the accounting procedures for account groups
- Illustrate the accounting cycle for self-sustaining funds
- Summarize accounting data
- Assess governmental accounting practices
- Relate the primary objectives of governmental accounting
- Identify the users of governmental accounting information
- Prepare a summary statement of principles
- Apply basic principles and conventions
- Categorize types of fund entities
- Interpret statements
- Defend budgetary data
- Compile budgetary practices for self-sustaining funds
- Relate the philosophy underlying source-and-disposition operating fund budgets
- Prepare a general fund expenditures budget
- Use the budget as a control device
- Develop program budgeting
- Plan the acquisitions and uses of other source-and-disposition fund resources
- Defend the use of cost data
- Appraise general fund and special revenue fund account procedures
- Identify operational characteristics
- Classify general fund accounts
- Record typical activities requiring accounting recognition
- Analyze transactions involving other funds and account groups
- Point out special problems associated with general fund accounting procedures
- Illustrate general fund accounting procedures
- Prepare general fund financial statements
- Compile interim reports for the general fund
- Demonstrate reciprocal and complementing
- Produce a transactions worksheet
- Examine accounting for other source-and-disposition funds
- Record transactions for general capital improvements
- Service general long-term debt
- Recognize capital improvements financed by special assessments
- Prepare the basic journal entries for debt service funds
- Measure alternative assumptions and procedures
- Account for other funds and account groups
- Contrast accounting for self-sustaining funds
- Outline hybrid (fiduciary) funds
- Classify account groups
- Explain interfund relationships
- Evaluate annual financial reports
- Discuss the provisions of accounting statements relating to nonprofit accounting
- Illustrate financial statements
- Contrast federal government accounting with financial accounting
- Relate the historical background
- Identify statutorily assigned responsibilities
- Define terminology
- Illustrate the fund structure
- Explain the basis of accounting
- Illustrate federal agency accounting
- Discriminate among accounting for other nonprofit organizations
- Point out operating characteristics and accounting practices
- Explain college and university statements of accounting principles
- Identify fund entities
- Record typical transactions
- Produce financial statements
- Interpret accounting for hospitals
- Relate hospital accounting practices and environments
- Justify principles of accounting for hospitals
- Categorize fund entities used in hospital accounting systems
- Separate accounting procedures peculiar to hospital operations
- Prepare hospital financial statements
- Assess accounting for health and welfare agencies, churches, and other similar organizations
- Explain unique accounting practices
- Subdivide other developments
- Generate financial statements
- Evaluate accounting data for externally interested parties
- Evaluate the fiduciary responsibility of internal managers
- Analyze financial data
- Apply analytical techniques
- Judge accounting system data
- Develop budgeting procedures
- Measure input-output relationships
- Prepare financial performance reports
- Assess the impact of politics and bureaucracy
- Plan an effective nonprofit organization
- Appraise operational-accountability reporting for nonprofit organizations
- Define operational accountability
- Analyze operational accountability financial data
- Generate operational-accountability reports
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