Mar 13, 2025
PNN 351 - Practical Nursing Roles Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open Examines leadership roles and responsibilities of the Licensed Practical Nurse and individual readiness to practice nursing. Prerequisite: PNN 151 , PNN 152 , PNN 153 , PSY 121 , BIO 734 Competencies
- Describe death, loss and end of life care
- Define loss, grief and death
- Explain types and sources of loss
- Explain the stages of loss, with commonly experienced emotional responses
- Discuss factors that influence responses to loss/death
- Assess physiologic changes in the dying client and signs of death
- Apply the nursing process to loss and end of life care for individuals and families
- Describe the health care delivery system
- Discuss the evolution of the health care delivery system (HCDS)
- Explain the levels of health care.
- Describe types of health care services
- Discuss various financial programs and terminology related to funding for health care
- Identify members of the health care team and their roles
- Discuss various financial programs and terminology
- Discuss emerging issues surrounding the health care delivery system
- Explore the response of the nursing profession to HCDS issues
- Describe the basic principles of quality improvement
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Licensed Practical Nurse
- Compare the roles of leader and manager for the Licensed Practical Nurse.
- Differentiate leadership from management
- Describe various leadership and followership styles
- Differentiate between accountability and responsibility
- Identify skills necessary for effective management
- List essential functions performed by LPN managers
- Recognize the value of a diverse nursing team
- Discuss the various duties involved in the charge nurse role for the LPN.
- Describe conflict resolution/management
- Describe the basic principles of quality improvement
- Discuss application of change theory in nursing practice
- Evaluate individual readiness for Practical Nursing practice
- Describe techniques that ease the transition from student to employee
- Evaluate personal readiness for NCLEX-PN
- Discuss methods through which you can obtain/maintain competence in nursing practice
- Discuss the Nurse Practice Act related to the role of the LPN
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