Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PHY 223 - Classical Physics II

Credits: 6
Lecture Hours: 5
Lab Hours: 2
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core
This course is a continuation of Classical Physics I. Topics covered include static electricity, electrical circuits, magnetism, time-dependent electric and magnetic fields, optics and modern physics.
Prerequisite: PHY 213  or equivalent.
Corequisite: MAT 217  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  1. Investigate the properties of static electric fields
    1. Examine in detail the qualitative properties of electric charges
    2. Apply Coulomb’s Law for static electric charges
    3. Apply the Principle of Superposition
    4. Define the electric field
    5. Calculate the electric field for various charge distributions
    6. Solve problems involving charges moving in electric fields
  2. Investigate the application of Gauss’s Law to electrostatics
    1. Define lines of electric flux
    2. Develop Gauss’s Law for electrostatics
    3. Apply Gauss’s Law for various charge distributions
    4. Calculate the electric field near the surface of a conductor
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of electric potential
    1. Define the electric potential
    2. Apply the electric potential concept to parallel conducting plates
    3. Analyze the relationship between work, energy and electric potential
    4. Calculate electric potential different for point charges
    5. Define equipotential lines and surfaces
    6. Define absolute potential
    7. Calculate absolute potential
    8. Calculate electric fields from absolute potentials
    9. Define electric potential energy
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of fundamental circuit elements
    1. Examine sources of EMF
    2. Define electric current
    3. Define resistance and resistivity
    4. Interpret the dependence of resistivity on temperature
    5. Define capacitance
    6. Analyze a simple series circuit
    7. Calculate work and power in a simple dc circuit
    8. Calculate resistance in series and parallel circuits
    9. Calculate capacitance in series and parallel circuits
    10. Determine the energy stored in a capacitor
  5. Investigate applications of the DC circuit
    1. Develop Kirchoff’s circuit rules
    2. Analyze the Wheatstone Bridge
    3. Analyze the simple potentiometer
    4. Analyze the circuit of a charging capacitor
    5. Analyze the circuit of a discharging capacitor
  6. Investigate the properties of magnetic fields
    1. Define the magnetic field
    2. Examine the phenomena of currents causing magnetic fields
    3. Calculate the magnetic force on an electric current
    4. Calculate the magnetic force on a moving point charge
    5. Calculate the torque on a current loop
    6. Examine meter movements and simple electric motors
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the methods for calculating magnetic fields
    1. Analyze Ampere’s Circuital Law
    2. Calculate the magnetic field of an infinite solenoid.
    3. Calculate the magnetic field of a torrid
    4. Analyze the Biot-Savart Law.
    5. Calculate the magnetic field on the axis of a loop.
    6. Calculate the magnetic field due to a finite solenoid
  8. Investigate electromagnetic induction
    1. Examine the phenomena of induced EMFs
    2. Analyze the Faraday-Lenz Law
    3. Define mutual inductance
    4. Calculate the mutual inductance of various circuits
    5. Define self-inductance
    6. Calculate the self-inductance of various circuits
    7. Analyze the LR circuit
    8. Calculate the energy in a magnetic field
    9. Determine the EMF in a rotating coil.
    10. Analyze the Faraday-Lenz Law in integral form
    11. Calculate motional EMFs
  9. Investigate Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
    1. Analyze electric dipoles
    2. Define the dielectric constant
    3. Examine the measurement of dielectric constants
    4. Examine Coulomb’s Law for dielectrics
    5. Review the overall properties of magnetic materials
  10. Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of alternating current circuits
    1. Analyze RMS quantities in pure resistance
    2. Analyze RMS quantities in a pure inductance
    3. Analyze RMS quantities in a pure capacitance
    4. Define inductive and capacitive reactance
    5. Define impedance
    6. Analyze the series LCR circuit
    7. Analyze resonance in AC circuits
  11. Investigate the properties of waves and wave resonance
    1. Define wave terminology
    2. Examine the equation of a traveling wave
    3. Calculate the wave equation
    4. Examine the phenomena of compressional waves
    5. Examine the phenomena of wave reflection
  12. Investigate the properties of sound
    1. Calculate the speed of sound
    2. Define sound intensity.
    3. Define sound loudness
    4. Relate loudness to intensity
    5. Solve loudness, intensity and distance problems
    6. Analyze sound wave resonance
  13. Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of electromagnetic waves
    1. Identify Maxwell’s Equations
    2. Demonstrate the wave nature of E-M fields
    3. Identify the speed of E-M wave propagation
    4. Define the Poynting vector
    5. Solve elementary E-M energy transport problems
  14. Investigate the reflection and refraction of light.
    1. Examine Fermat’s Principle
    2. Derive the Laws of Specular Reflection
    3. Apply Laws of Specular Reflection to plane mirrors
    4. Apply Laws of Specular Reflection to spherical mirrors
    5. Define the index of refraction
    6. Derive Snell’s Law
    7. Solve refraction problems using Snell’s Law
    8. Analyze image formation for thin lenses
    9. Derive the lens equation for thin lenses
    10. Analyze the simple magnifier
    11. Analyze the simple telescope
    12. Analyze the compound microscope
  15. Investigate topics in Modern Physics.
    1. Examine the postulates of relativity
    2. Derive the time dilation equation
    3. Derive the length contraction equation
    4. Examine the Quantum Hypothesis
    5. Analyze the photoelectric effect
    6. Apply quantum ideas to atomic structure

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