Feb 05, 2025
HUM 116 - Encounters in Humanities Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core An interdisciplinary course exploring the human condition through literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music and dance. The course examines the cultural context of individual works and movements, the thematic relationships between the arts and the relevance of the arts in our lives today. Competencies
- Analyze the relationship between differing perceptions and the arts
- Characterize various human perspectives regarding art
- Explain the role of cultural and historical contexts in perceptions of art
- Discuss the role of individual perception in art, with regard to specific reasons people perceive the arts differently
- Examine works of art
- Examine the history and role of the arts in human societies
- Identify relationships between the development of human societies and art
- Interpret the social, cultural, and historical context of an artistic movement, artist, or specific work of art
- Discuss significant historical events within a specific time period
- Examine important social and scientific developments as they relate to the arts
- Assess the historical relevance of an artistic movement, artist, or individual work of art
- Examine characteristics of specific artistic styles and movements
- Differentiate between individual artist trademarks and intricacies
- Distinguish characteristics of specific artistic styles such as classic, romantic, impressionist, modern, and contemporary
- Compare works of art by the same artist, by other artists, within a movement, and with other movements
- Examine historical and cultural contexts for themes and principles in the arts
- Compare distinguishing themes or principles in the arts
- Formulate in writing an informed response to the arts
- Discuss creative purpose and design
- Assess varying definitions of “art”
- Characterize the relationship between form and content
- Describe important biographical, social, cultural, and historical events reflected in artwork
- Examine artistic themes and principles reflected across multiple cultures
- Contrast definitions of art across regions and cultures
- Demonstrate understanding of multicultural artistic perspectives
- Discuss varying global and regional influences in contemporary art
- Discuss the role cultural differences play in perception
- Compose a written analysis of the experience of viewing at least two artistic events including, but not limited to, exhibits, galleries, plays, concerts, or installations
- Illustrate meaningful aspects of the viewing experience
- Examine responses by audiences and critics and their contexts
- Demonstrate thoughtful reflection upon a personal experience of the arts
- Interpret the work exhibited or performed
- Compose effective writing that demonstrates understanding of course competencies
- Generate writing as an active process, using planning, drafting, revising, and editing
- Apply standard rules of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling
- Produce analyses or interpretations through written assignments
- Understand definitions and consequences of plagiarism
- Integrate sources effectively within the given context
- Document sources using MLA style
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