Jan 02, 2025
ELT 721 - Robotics Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech The course provides an introduction to robotic fundamentals. The student will examine parameters of robot operation and program robots for various applications. Competencies
- Interpret General safety guidelines
- Describe E-stops, deadman switches, and pendant e-stop
- Review hydraulic and pneumatic lockouts, gripper safety, DCS Dual check safety system, and physical barriers
- Explain hard limits and software limits
- Analyze by name all the parts on a robot
- Identify the drive motor, linkage and specifications for each axis of motion on the arm
- Identify the major system elements in a robot system
- Assemble the interconnection between components of a robotic system
- Connect and setup a robot and controller system
- Identify the safety regions in a work cell
- Identify the work volume
- Assemble the interconnections between components of a robotic system
- Demonstrate proficient ability to move the robot in the Cartesian and joint modes safely
- Identify robot speed settings
- Control robot speed settings
- Perform the following with R30ia controller
- Program accurately a remote tool center point
- Program accurately a tool center point
- Program accurately a user frame
- Use the various functions on a teach pendant
- Identify between command and arm control functions
- Teach points with a teach pendant
- Manipulate a robot from its teach pendant
- Write programs used for basic decision loops
- Compose Robot Programs
- Write a simple pick and place robot program
- Program with Macro functions
- Create, modify and delete programs
- Construct programs that utilize robot I/O
- Interface the robot controller with the peripheral equipment
- Interface the robot controller to other intelligent machines
- Explain Fanuc AIO rack I/O systems
- Identify the differences between robot I/O, Digital I/O, Analog I/O and group I/O
- Explain input/output sinking and sourcing
- Integrate robot inputs and outputs with discrete devices
- Examine robot system maintenance procedures
- Identify types and procedures for robotic maintenance
- Outline typical preventative maintenance schedules for robotic systems
- Write, save and execute various upper level programs
- Write program which measure the repeatability of each axis
- Write a material handling application program
- Write a palletizing application program
- Write programs used for basic decision loops
- Write a program for item sorting that involves integrating the vision system with the FANUC LR-Mate robot
- Write a program using the offset command
- Efficiently write Marcos for various functions
- Be able to assign to a Macro to USER keys or operator panel on the R30-ia controller
- Understand position registers and how to manipulate them
- Outline individual components of a position register
- Apply position registers in Robot programs
- Perform backup and restore R30ia software using PCMCIA card
- Write programs using SIMPRO simulation software
- Simulate a pick and place program using the SIMPRO handling tool software
- Successfully demonstrate work cell programs on LR-MATE 200 work cell
- Successfully draw fixtures and objects in CAD and import them into a SIMPRO work cell
- Discuss robot end of arm tooling
- Describe grippers for pick and place
- Explain welding and painting systems
- Identify other EOAT devices
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