Mar 11, 2025
ELT 369 - DC & AC Fundamentals Lab Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 6 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This laboratory will enable the student to analyze basic L-C-R circuitry. Basic test equipment usage will also be presented. Prerequisite: ELT 368 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course Competencies
- Use metric prefixes and scientific notation
- Convert standard form numbers to scientific and engineering notation
- Measure quantities using a metric prefix
- Identify several electronic components
- Use laboratory meters and power supplies
- Read analog meter scales including multiple and complex scales
- Operate the power supply at the lab station
- Explain the functions of the controls for the multimeter at the lab station
- Use the multimeter to make a voltage measurement
- Use laboratory equipment to measure and evaluate the resistance of resistors
- Determine the listed value of a resistor using the resistor color code
- Use a DMM (or VOM) to measure the values of resistors
- Determine the percent difference between the measured and listed values of resistors
- Measure the resistance of a potentiometer and explain its operation
- Make voltage measurements
- Connect a circuit from a schematic diagram
- Use voltages measured in respect to ground to compute the voltage drop across a resistor
- Explain the meaning of circuit ground and subscripts used in voltage definitions
- Use Ohm’s law
- Measure the current-voltage curve for a resistor
- Construct a graph for the current-voltage of a resistor
- Determine the resistance of a resistor from a current-voltage graph
- Calculate power in dc circuits
- Determine the power in a variable resistor at various settings of resistance
- Plot data for power as a function of resistance and from the plot, determine when maximum power is delivered to the variable resistor
- Connect and evaluate series circuits
- Use Ohm’s law to find the current and voltages in a series circuit
- Apply Kirchoff’s voltage law to a series circuit
- Connect and evaluate a voltage divider
- Apply the voltage divider rule to series resistive circuits
- Design a voltage divider to meet a specific voltage output
- Confirm by measurements the voltage divider circuit you designed
- Determine the range of voltages available when a variable resistor is used in a voltage divider
- Connect and evaluate parallel circuits
- Demonstrate that the total resistance in a parallel circuit decreases as resistors are added
- Compute and measure resistance and currents in parallel circuits
- Explain how to troubleshoot parallel circuits
- Connect and evaluate series-parallel combination circuits
- Use the concept of equivalent circuits to simplify series-parallel circuit analysis
- Compute the currents and voltages in a series-parallel combination circuit and verify the computations with circuit measurements
- Use the superposition theorem
- Apply the superposition theorem to linear circuits with more than one voltage source
- Construct a circuit with two voltage sources, solve for the currents and voltages throughout the circuit, and verify the computations with measurement
- Use Thevenin’s theorem
- Change a linear network containing several resistors into an equivalent Thevenin circuit
- Prove the equivalency of the network in 12.1 by comparing the effects of various load resistors
- Use a Wheatstone bridge
- Calculate the equivalent Thevenin circuit for a Wheatstone bridge circuit
- Verify that the Thevenin circuit determine in 13.1 enables you to compute the response to a load for the original circuit
- Balance a Wheatstone bridge and draw the Thevenin circuit for the balanced bridge
- Use an oscilloscope
- Draw the four functional blocks of an oscilloscope and describe the major controls within each block
- Use an oscilloscope to measure ac and dc voltages
- Make sine wave measurements with an oscilloscope
- Measure the period and frequency of a sine wave using an oscilloscope
- Measure across ungrounded components using the difference function of an oscilloscope
- Use capacitors in basic circuits
- Compare total capacitance, charge, and voltage drop for capacitors connected in series and in parallel
- Test capacitors with an ohmmeter and a voltmeter
- Measure capacitive reactance
- Measure the capacitive reactance of a capacitor at a specified frequency
- Compare the reactance of capacitors connected in series and parallel
- Use inductors in basic circuits
- Describe the effect of Lenz’s law in a circuit
- Measure the time constant of an LR circuit and test the effect of series and parallel inductances on the time constant
- Measure inductive reactance
- Measure the inductive reactance of an inductor at a specified frequency
- Compare the reactance of inductors connected in series and parallel
- Connect and evaluate series RC circuits
- Compute the capacitive reactance of a capacitor from voltage measurements in a series RC circuit
- Draw the impedance and voltage phasor diagrams for a series RC circuit
- Explain how frequency affects the impedance and voltage phasors in a series RC circuit
- Connect and evaluate parallel RC circuits
- Measure the current phasors for a parallel RC circuit
- Explain how the current phasors and phase angle are affected by a change in frequency for parallel RC circuits
- Connect and evaluate series RL circuits
- Compute the inductive reactance of an inductor from voltage measurements in a series RL circuit
- Draw the impedance and voltage phasor diagrams for the series RL circuit
- Measure the phase angle in a series circuit using either of two methods
- Connect and evaluate parallel RL circuits
- Determine the current phasor diagram for a parallel RL circuit
- Measure the phase angle between the current and voltage for a parallel RL circuit
- Explain how an actual circuit differs from the ideal model of a circuit
- Connect and evaluate series resonant circuits
- Compute the resonant frequency, Q, and bandwidth of a series resonant circuit
- Measure the parameters listed in 24.1
- Explain the factors affecting the selectivity of a series resonant circuit
- Connect and evaluate a parallel resonant circuit
- Compute the resonant frequency, Q, and bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit
- Measure the frequency response of a parallel resonant circuit
- Use the frequency response curve to determine the bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit
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