Mar 11, 2025
ELT 181 - Adv Math for Electronics Tech Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course is a continuation of concepts covered in MATH FOR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTERS. Topical emphasis includes applications involving trigonometry of vectors and oblique triangles and logarithms. Competencies
- Understand trigonometry of Vectors
- Add Vectors and Phasors
- Solve for Components of a Vector
- Apply the Law of Sines
- Apply the Law of Cosines
- Solve applications of Logarithms
- Solve Exponential Equations involving logarithmic functions
- Solve RC and RL Circuits
- Understand Power and Gain
- Understand decibels as a unit-measure
- Compute Power and Gain in applications
- Computer Antenna Gain
- Understand Bode Plots
- Understand and Design Filters
- Understand and Design low-pass filters
- Understand and design high-pass filters
- Understand and design band pass filters
- Understand and design band-reject filters
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