Mar 11, 2025
EGT 460 - PLTW-Civil Engr/Architecture Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Adjunct This course introduces students to the interdependent fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture and teaches project planning, site planning and building design, using specialized computer software. Prerequisite: EGT 400 is recommended but not required Competencies
- Understand the fundamentals of civil engineering and architecture - Civil Engineering and Architecture Overview
- Explain the similarities and differences of civil engineering and architecture.
- Describe the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of civil engineering or architectural project.
- Define the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
- Understand Project Design - Overview of Project Design/Project Documentation
- Demonstrate an understanding of current common practices utilized in Civil Engineering and Architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to their project.
- Identify the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of their solution.
- Illustrate the ability to work individually or in pairs to produce a solution to a project.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how software is used as a tool to aid in the solution and then the communication of a project.
- Explain ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented.
- Adapt ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them.
- Describe in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes in the development of the project.
- Draw two- and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes.
- Demonstrate understanding of Project Planning - Site Information/Development Options
- Illustrate how to work effectively (productively) as a team
- Describe their ideas and information to each other
- Determine the viability of their project ideas
- Research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project
- Describe their team?s design idea and explain why they believe it will be viable
- Understand the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner
- Define the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing their project
- Demonstrate understanding of Project Planning - Description of Property/Space Allocation Planning/Site Plan Layout/Site Grading/Public Ingress-Egress/Utilities/Landscaping/Water Supply & Wastewater Management
- Develop essential questions and conclusions provided in related activities.
- Conduct a survey of their personal residence and identify their observations about the locations of the electrical, water, and sewage access points and setbacks
- Apply concepts learned to team project
- Design and understand a contour map
- Create a bubble diagram of a specified site
- Apply principles of reading a contour map and creating a bubble diagram to their team project
- Evaluate the pros and cons of local, state, and federal regulations on site development
- Write about their point of view and record it in their journal
- Apply what they have learned to their team project
- Interpret topographical data and design to create and document the vertical and horizontal transit lines and station points necessary to layout a road with proper alignment
- Apply appropriate codes and parameters to design a suitable and assessable parking lot for a retail establishment
- Investigate answers to questions identified in the preface
- Perform simple experiments to determine the content and characteristics of a soil sample and use the results in the creation of an appropriate grading plan
- Calculate the amount of water a rainstorm will drop on a parking lot design and use that information in the design and sizing of a drainage system
- Develop a cut and fill plan for the proposed foundation using a site plan with contours
- Discuss findings of their research on a specific utility by completing an information handout sheet
- Explain information to their peers using schematic symbols
- Determine mathematically utility needs of a project and size the utility supple lines correctly
- Analyze and determine the selection and placement of plantings to ensure the proper use of resources and determine if landscaping adds aesthetic appeal
- Apply what they have learned to their team project and landscape the site of the related structure or structures
- Determine the source of water for their site
- Determine the water pressure for their site
- Find an appropriate method of managing wastewater for their site
- Perform preliminary design calculations and layouts of the selected wastewater management system
- Demonstrate understanding of architecture - Architectural Styles/Floor Plans/Energy Systems/Elevations/Sections & Details/Schedules/ Mechanical, Electrical, Protective Systems
- Apply their knowledge of architectural styles gained from Activity 1.1 Architectural Styles to the design of the structures for their team’s project
- Apply their knowledge of floor plans to the structures for their team’s project
- Design and construct an appropriate energy system for the team’s project
- Determine the heat loss or gain of the energy systems used in their team projects
- Compare and contrast the various elevation views and communicate their understanding of how elevations are used in the design of structure
- Illustrate the exterior and interior elevations of their team’s project
- Compare and contrast sections and details and explain their purposed in a set of architectural plans
- Illustrate the sections and details of their team’s project
- Create the necessary schedules for their team’s project
- Research and teach team members about mechanical, electrical and protection systems
- Determine the mechanical, electrical, and protection systems necessary for their team’s project
- Create the diagrams for the mechanical, electrical, and protection systems for their team’s project
- Understand Structural Engineering - Introduction to StructuralEngineering/Foundations/Columns & Beams/Roof Systems
- Define the work of a structural engineer
- Determine the live and dead loads of a structure using load tables and appropriate mathematics
- Identify the regions of the United States that are susceptible to seismic loads
- Investigate the different types of loads acting on a structure and write a brief description with a diagram in their journals
- Identify roofing materials, types of roof systems, rafters, and trusses and calculate the load for roof members
- Determine the architectural style that will support the roof system design chosen for their team project
- Determine the strength of columns and beams for a structure
- Calculate floor members according to loads and modify section details to show the sizing of supporting materials for their team’s project
- Investigate the various foundation types, render sketches of each one, and describe their use
- Prepare a foundation detail for their team’s project
- Deliver Presentations and Conduct Reviews - Critiques and Reviews/Final Presentations
- Produce a presentation of their project and include the appropriate drawings, rendering, models, documentation, and the rationale for choosing their proposal for the project development
- Deliver oral presentations regarding the design and development of a team project
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