Mar 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EGT 460 - PLTW-Civil Engr/Architecture

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 4
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Adjunct
This course introduces students to the interdependent fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture and teaches project planning, site planning and building design, using specialized computer software.
Prerequisite: EGT 400  is recommended but not required
  1. Understand the fundamentals of civil engineering and architecture - Civil Engineering and Architecture Overview
    1. Explain the similarities and differences of civil engineering and architecture.
    2. Describe the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of civil engineering or architectural project.
    3. Define the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
  2. Understand Project Design - Overview of Project Design/Project Documentation
    1. Demonstrate an understanding of current common practices utilized in Civil Engineering and Architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to their project.
    2. Identify the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of their solution.
    3. Illustrate the ability to work individually or in pairs to produce a solution to a project.
    4. Demonstrate an understanding of how software is used as a tool to aid in the solution and then the communication of a project.
    5. Explain ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented.
    6. Adapt ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them.
    7. Describe in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes in the development of the project.
    8. Draw two- and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of Project Planning - Site Information/Development Options
    1. Illustrate how to work effectively (productively) as a team
    2. Describe their ideas and information to each other
    3. Determine the viability of their project ideas
    4. Research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project
    5. Describe their team?s design idea and explain why they believe it will be viable
    6. Understand the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner
    7. Define the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing their project
  4. Demonstrate understanding of Project Planning - Description of Property/Space Allocation Planning/Site Plan Layout/Site Grading/Public Ingress-Egress/Utilities/Landscaping/Water Supply & Wastewater Management
    1. Develop essential questions and conclusions provided in related activities.
    2. Conduct a survey of their personal residence and identify their observations about the locations of the electrical, water, and sewage access points and setbacks
    3. Apply concepts learned to team project
    4. Design and understand a contour map
    5. Create a bubble diagram of a specified site
    6. Apply principles of reading a contour map and creating a bubble diagram to their team project
    7. Evaluate the pros and cons of local, state, and federal regulations on site development
    8. Write about their point of view and record it in their journal
    9. Apply what they have learned to their team project
    10. Interpret topographical data and design to create and document the vertical and horizontal transit lines and station points necessary to layout a road with proper alignment
    11. Apply appropriate codes and parameters to design a suitable and assessable parking lot for a retail establishment
    12. Investigate answers to questions identified in the preface
    13. Perform simple experiments to determine the content and characteristics of a soil sample and use the results in the creation of an appropriate grading plan
    14. Calculate the amount of water a rainstorm will drop on a parking lot design and use that information in the design and sizing of a drainage system
    15. Develop a cut and fill plan for the proposed foundation using a site plan with contours
    16. Discuss findings of their research on a specific utility by completing an information handout sheet
    17. Explain information to their peers using schematic symbols
    18. Determine mathematically utility needs of a project and size the utility supple lines correctly
    19. Analyze and determine the selection and placement of plantings to ensure the proper use of resources and determine if landscaping adds aesthetic appeal
    20. Apply what they have learned to their team project and landscape the site of the related structure or structures
    21. Determine the source of water for their site
    22. Determine the water pressure for their site
    23. Find an appropriate method of managing wastewater for their site
    24. Perform preliminary design calculations and layouts of the selected wastewater management system
  5. Demonstrate understanding of architecture - Architectural Styles/Floor Plans/Energy Systems/Elevations/Sections & Details/Schedules/ Mechanical, Electrical, Protective Systems
    1. Apply their knowledge of architectural styles gained from Activity 1.1 Architectural Styles to the design of the structures for their team’s project
    2. Apply their knowledge of floor plans to the structures for their team’s project
    3. Design and construct an appropriate energy system for the team’s project
    4. Determine the heat loss or gain of the energy systems used in their team projects
    5. Compare and contrast the various elevation views and communicate their understanding of how elevations are used in the design of structure
    6. Illustrate the exterior and interior elevations of their team’s project
    7. Compare and contrast sections and details and explain their purposed in a set of architectural plans
    8. Illustrate the sections and details of their team’s project
    9. Create the necessary schedules for their team’s project
    10. Research and teach team members about mechanical, electrical and protection systems
    11. Determine the mechanical, electrical, and protection systems necessary for their team’s project
    12. Create the diagrams for the mechanical, electrical, and protection systems for their team’s project
  6. Understand Structural Engineering - Introduction to StructuralEngineering/Foundations/Columns & Beams/Roof Systems
    1. Define the work of a structural engineer
    2. Determine the live and dead loads of a structure using load tables and appropriate mathematics
    3. Identify the regions of the United States that are susceptible to seismic loads
    4. Investigate the different types of loads acting on a structure and write a brief description with a diagram in their journals
    5. Identify roofing materials, types of roof systems, rafters, and trusses and calculate the load for roof members
    6. Determine the architectural style that will support the roof system design chosen for their team project
    7. Determine the strength of columns and beams for a structure
    8. Calculate floor members according to loads and modify section details to show the sizing of supporting materials for their team’s project
    9. Investigate the various foundation types, render sketches of each one, and describe their use
    10. Prepare a foundation detail for their team’s project 
  7. Deliver Presentations and Conduct Reviews - Critiques and Reviews/Final Presentations
    1. Produce a presentation of their project and include the appropriate drawings, rendering, models, documentation, and the rationale for choosing their proposal for the project development
    2. Deliver oral presentations regarding the design and development of a team project

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